'Accessing friend list in facebook

Is it possible to access the friend list of a facebook user without getting his explicit permission ?

For example, my friend's friend list is public. Anyone with a facebook profile can see who his friends are. Given his id, do I need explicit permission from him to iterate through his friend list ?

Solution 1:[1]

Use this Graph API method:


but you need an additional access token from the user

from the API docs - Getting an access token for a user with no extended permissions allows you to access the information that the user has made available to everyone on Facebook.

there are two other methods that I know of

See this for the FQL: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/friendlist/

Depreciated call, Get method: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/friends.getLists/

As far as permissions note this

Friend lists are private on Facebook, so you cannot republish this information to anyone other than the logged in user.

Solution 2:[2]

but easily you can get the friends work and education details.. just run this query in Graph API Eplorer

SELECT flid, owner, name FROM friendlist WHERE owner=me()


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Chamilyan
Solution 2 Griwes