'Android apps worked in usb debugging but not in android emulator (white screen)

I run "ionic cordova run android" using visual studio code.. but the apps shows white screen in the emulator.. it display properly if using USB debugging.. the device also display properly if install using the apk.. the reason why I want to use emulator because I want to debug "".. this is my emulator setting..

Emulator setting

Things that I have done is as per below

  1. Choose ANGLE (D3D11) for OpenGL ES Renderer at the emulator advance setting
  2. Choose Software - GLES 2.0 graphic for the Emulated Performance during create emulator
  3. Try both R and Q for the system image during create the virtual device
  4. Update the SDK based on the system image set at the emulator

System image selection

Solution 1:[1]

I compile the source code at different laptop and the web console (google inspect) display "newtrustedfunctionforjit fn.bind is not a function".. the issue is related to the chrome 83 and an upgrade is needed (refer https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/40507#issuecomment-764993983) .. as emulator is using web view and I cannot update the version, I proceed to download new skin for newer android model (Samsung A32).. I do the same thing on the laptop that I initially come with this post, and the white screen doesn't appear anymore and manage to display the login page..

Below is my new System Image

  • Release Name S
  • API Level 31
  • ABI x86_64
  • Target Android 12 (Google APIs)

New System Image


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Solution Source
Solution 1