'Angular routerLinkActive only updates after clicking somewhere on the screen

Using Angular 13

I have a side menu which I build like this

  <a mat-list-item *ngFor="let page of pages" [routerLink]="page.link" routerLinkActive="is-active">
    <mat-icon style="padding-right:5px;">{{page?.icon}}</mat-icon>
    <span [@animateText]="linkText ? 'show' : 'hide'">{{ page?.name }} </span>

Then I have a list of pages:

public pages: Page[] = [
    {name: 'Home', link: '/home', icon: 'home'},
    {name: 'Data', link: '/data', icon: 'format_list_bulleted'},
    {name: 'Reports', link: '/reports', icon: 'bar_chart'},

When I click on a menu item, my page gets loaded correctly but routerLinkActive does not assign the class until I click anywhere on the screen. After that the class is there and I get the css on my menu to highlight the item. I am stuck on this and haven´t found anyone asking this. Could this be a bug or am I missing something?

Solution 1:[1]

Since your View is changing when you route the menu items, I suggest you to use Change Detector Ref to get the changes manually on your Component either; in the constructor or ngOnInit method.

constructor(changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef){

// OR 


A question that mentions where should Change Detector to be used

Check this Angular document also

Solution 2:[2]

Try !important in your css:

    //your css with !important;

Reason: mat-list-item css is overshadowing the css defined inside is-active rule.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Halil Usanmaz
Solution 2