'AWS DataSync Cannot specify Amazon S3 endpoint
I need to transfer the file from 3d Party AWS account (source) into my S3 (destination). The file is public available via https://bucket.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/folder/file.json
I created an agent (ec2, m5.2xlarge, eu-central-1b) and activated him.
This agent has access to the source file (Test Network Connectivity -> nping).
Then I created a task:
Region -- Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
Type -- Object storage
Path -- folder
Bucket name -- bucket
Server protocol -- HTTPS
Server port -- 443
Server -- s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
Agent IDs -- agent-id
and so on.
But when I had created task, I had an error:
Cannot specify Amazon S3 endpoint s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
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