'AWS ELB unhealthy 4xx

I am using express.js and graphql for backend server which uses port 4000. I am trying to connect my server with ELB but the status returns unhealthy with error code 400 or 404. These are my settings about ELB.

  • Target group

target group

  • Target groups registered targets

target groups registered targets

  • Target groups health checks

target group health checks

If I change the path to /graphql it returns 400, and just / returns 404. It is still working with no error when I call the API but it seems like I should fix it. Could anyone please tell me what can I do?

Solution 1:[1]

The standard way to handle this case is to define the path in your express application for example /health or /ping which should return HTTP status code 200.

If /graphql does not return HTTP status code 200 the LB will mark the target unhealthy.

you have two option

  • Update Success codes to 400, the LB will mark the target healhty
  • Define path like / or /health and return status code 200.

In express for example

res.status(200).send("instance is healthy");

Then setting for LB will enter image description here

Or if you want to go without changing in the application the below will work.

enter image description here

Solution 2:[2]

Apollo supports a simple health check by default at this URL /.well-known/apollo/server-health (source), so you can add change the path in the target group from / to the URL


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 ngthanh