'AWS EMRFS S3 ranger plugin error for amazon s3

I am trying to integrate AWS EMR with Apache Ranger. out of 3 plugin hive, spark, and s3. Two plugins are working hive and spark but getting error while trying to sync amazon emrfs s3 plugin.

getting below error. Has anyone come across the below error. Please let me know how to resolve this.

2021-06-04 12:01:31,745 WARN Thread-4: Error getting policies. 
secureMode=false, user=emrsecretagent (auth:SIMPLE), response=. 
{"httpStatusCode":400,"statusCode":0}, serviceName=amazonemrs3
2021-06-04 12:01:31,746 WARN Thread-4: cache file does not exist or not 
readable '/emr/secretagent/ranger_policy_cache/emrS3RangerPlugin_amazonemrs3.json'

I have tried with secureMode=true also, still not able to sync the policy.


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