'Azure Data Studio - Database Project - schema compare changes failed

I can successfully build my DB project in the Azure data studio with the SQL DB Projects extension. (not with SSDT but similar to this: https://www.sqlshack.com/two-ways-to-build-sql-database-projects-in-azure-data-studio/ When I right-click on the DB project and select "Update Project from database", it lists the delta between the online Azure SQL DB and the local db project.

The problem now is that when I either click on "Generate script" or on "apply", I receive an error.

Generate script: Performing script generation is not possible for this comparison result.
Performing script generation is not possible for this comparison result.

Apply schema compare changes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I already reinstalled the Azure Data Studio but with no success. Any hint what I could do to fix this?


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