'Can't understand how it works (ThinkScript code)

I'm currently converting a ThinkScript indicator to python, however, I've run into this piece of code and I'm kinda confused on how it works:

input rollingPeriodMinutes = 60;

def factor = (SecondsFromTime(Market_Open_Time) / (60 * rollingPeriodMinutes) / 100);
def rolloverTime = if factor == Round(factor) then 1 else 0;

rec H1 = compoundValue(1, if !rolloverTime then if high > H1[1] then high else H1[1] else high, high);
rec H = compoundValue(1, if rolloverTime then H1[1] else H[1], high);

I can't really understand what is stored at the end in the variable "H". Can you help me understand? Any help is really appraciated!! Thanks

Solution 1:[1]

input rollingPeriodMinutes = 60;

  • declares (defines) and sets a variable, rollingPeriodMinutes, to a default value of 60. The input declaration indicates that the user will be able to alter this value in the thinkorswim settings for this script.

def factor = (SecondsFromTime(Market_Open_Time) / (60 * rollingPeriodMinutes) / 100);

  • declares and sets a variable, factor to a calculated value. This uses the rollingPeriodMinutes value, above, as well as the SecondsFromTime function and a Market_Open_Time variable that must have been set elsewhere in the script.

def rolloverTime = if factor == Round(factor) then 1 else 0;

  • declares and sets a variable, rolloverTime to a boolean based on the if statement. This uses the factor variable above (1 is true and 0 is false in thinkscript).
rec H1 = compoundValue(1, if !rolloverTime then if high > H1[1] then high else H1[1] else high, high);
rec H = compoundValue(1, if rolloverTime then H1[1] else H[1], high);
  • rec is actually the same as def and has been obsoleted. Previously, it specifically declared a recursive variable; now one would just use def regardless. See the notes below for more information.

    CompoundValue is an easy statement in thinkscript, but complicated to understand from the Learning Center reference.

    In short, the declarations for H and H1 are saying 'going back 1 bar: if no data is present, then use the if statement to determine a value; else if data is present, then use the high value.

    Broken out, the algorithm for H1 (where high is a reserved word for the high price for a given bar) could look like:

let numBarsBack = 1
if (data is present for the bar at numBarsBack) then
  if (!rolloverTime == true) then
    if high > (H1 value one bar previous) then H1 = high
    else H1 = (H1 value one bar previous)
    else H1 = high    // thinkscript sometimes requires a "default" in `if` statements, even if there's no 3rd possible value
  else (if rolloverTime == true) then H1 = high
else (if data is not present for the bar at numBarsBack) then H1 = high

*** See my complete description of how CompoundValue works in thinkscript at the SO question "Understanding & Converting ThinkScripts CompoundValue Function".***


SecondsFromTime ( int fromTime);


Returns the number of seconds from the specified time (24-hour clock notation) in the EST timezone. Note that this function always returns zero when chart's aggregation period is greater than or equal to 1 day.

Input parameters

Parameter Default value Description
fromTime - Defines time from which seconds are counted, in the HHMM format, 24-hour clock notation.


Notice: this is an article about an obsolete thinkScript® notation. Although rec variables are still supported by thinkScript®, they can be completely replaced by def.




Enables you to reference a historical value of a variable that you are calculating in the study or strategy itself. Rec is short for "recursion".


rec C = C[1] + volume;  
plot CumulativeVolume = C;  

This example plots the cumulative volume starting from the beginning of the time period.

and, finally:

  • Remember that thinkscript code is executed for every bar in a selected period. Ie, if you're looking at 10 days with a daily period, there will be a bar for each of the 10 days; and the script will run a loop, repeating the code for each of those 10 bars. As a result, the variables will have appropriate values for each bar.

    Although the OP is wanting to convert a script to Python, if someone comes here interested in how thinkscript works, there are tricks to keep a value constant for an entire script (though this section of code does not include examples for that). For information on how to do this in thinkscript, see my answer to SO question "thinkscript - How to create a variable that retains its value".


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1