'Casting Any to Tuple2

I have a Scala function which passes message of type 'Any'. In most cases it will be a tuple of size 2. The function that receives this message needs to see the specific types of the tuple elements:

main() {
// call to function
// msg is of type Any.
    func (msg) 

Now in my function,

function (msg : Any) {
    String inputType = msg.getClass.getCanonicalName
    if (inputType.compareTo("scala.Tuple2") == 0) {
        // I now know that the input to the function is a tuple..I want to extract the type of each element in this tuple.
        //something like:
        var tuple = msg.asInstanceof(scala.Tuple2) // This line gives an error. I want to cast object of Type Any to a tuple.
        var 1type = tuple._1.getClass.getCanonicalName
        var 2type = tuple._2.getClass.getCanonicalName

Solution 1:[1]

Why don't you just use pattern matching?

def function(msg: Any) = {
  msg match {
    case tuple @ (a: Any, b: Any) => tuple

Solution 2:[2]

pattern matching

msg match {
   case (x,y) =>  ...

Solution 3:[3]

I just came up with this answer after testing using Scala Build Tools version sbt-0.13.8

   def castfunction(msg: Any):Tuple2[Char,Int] = {
      msg match { case (x: Char,y:Int) => Tuple2(x,y) }


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Didier Dupont
Solution 3 Ami Tavory