Category ".net-core"

Can I combine a gRPC and webapi app into a .NET Core 3.0 in C#?

I am using dot net core 3.0. I have gRPC app. I am able to communicate to it through gRPC protocol. I thought my next step would be add some restful API suppo

How to sort entity model by column name of display model in C# .NET Core using LINQ?

I have a page that displays all users in the table. The front end uses a class that is different from the database model. public class UserDetailsViewDto {

Angular 13 MSAL 2.0 & .NET core API: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature is invalid"

To isolate the problem, I have created the famous Visual Studio default "weather forecast" .NET core project with angular and tried to make the Angular ClientAp

How to add tiling / repeat watermark with ImageSharp?

I want add tiling/repeat watermark to image by using ImageSharp 1.0.0-beta7. I need figure out how many watermarks and how many points where watermark display.

Retrieving Signature R and S element from ASN.1 CMS Signature Bouncy Castle

I have an ASN.1 encoded detached CMS ECC signature - I used an online decoder to inspect it and can see the signature R and S values but I'm wondering how to ac

DotNet core 3.0 compilation issues in VSCode

I am new to DotnetCore and MS programming. With the new push from MS to be more platform neutral, I had an interest in me to try it out and see if it works the

How do I allow restricted characters in the URL of a .net core application?

Previously, to allow for encoded special characters to be passed as part of a URL in a .net framework service, I've added this to the web.config file within the

Using C#, .NET Core 3 and GTK# for cross-platform Programming (and alternatives)

I am about to start development of a software project that should run on Linux and Windows if possible. As I already have some experience with C# I am eager to

Docker - can not expose on port 80

I have a problem with expose my .Net Core App on Docker. My Dockerfile starts like that FROM AS base WORKDIR /ap

Simulate key press events on a Mac using C# .Net Core

I have a solution built in C# .Net Core 3.1. When running in Windows I use the Windows Input Simulator package to simulate key presses, but what can I use on a

How to pretty print using System.Text.Json for unknown object

Using System.Text.Json i can pretty print json using serialization option. var options = new JsonSerializerOptions{ WriteIndented = true }; jsonString = JsonSer

Valid HTTPS certificate for dotnet development on localhost - Ubuntu

I need to test something which needs to be served over https and I believe the standard dotnet dev-certs https --trust doesnt work on Ubuntu. I have tried gener

How Can I Pass an Object Property to a Razor Component as a Parameter

I have a razor component library where I'm creating custom, reusable components. I have a "ContentItem" component that I would like to simply bind the property

How to use multiple Program classes in xUnit test project with WebApplicationFactory

I want to use WebApplicationFactory to create hosts for my tests, but I want to create 2 Web Application Factories for two projects I refereed in single XUnit t

Is there a way in Fluent Validation library to remove the index from the collection validation errors?

I'm using Fluent Validation to validate this model: class MyModel { public int Id {get; set;} public List<ChildModel> Children {get; set;} } clas

Operator "missing" not working properly in JsonLogic

I am using JsonLogic to validate my input payload with the rules defined using JsonLogic. I am able to test the rules using "Play with it" tool and my rules wor

Tenants Not Loading When Adding Azure AD Service Dependency

I'm attempting to add an AAD service dependency to a new ASP.NET Core Web App (MVC) project. I went to Connected Services, clicked on "Add a service dependency"

Transactionscope throwing exception this platform does not support distributed transactions while opening connection object

TransactionScope is throwing a exception in .net core 2.2 In this example I created a scope of TransactioScop. Opening SQL transaction for one database which is

Where can I find the source code for AWS Lambda's dotnetcore3.1 runtime?

AWS publishes a lot of their source code on GitHub, but so far I haven't been able to find the source for the dotnetcore3.1 Lambda Runtime. I expect this source

Error "dotnet : Could not find any project in `C:\**." when running "dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount"

I have visual studio 2019 and i created a new core 2.2 project. now i am following these steps Configure Microsoft Account Authentication to enable exte