Category "3d"

Blender render color different from the actual one

So, here's what i created But on rendering, the color changes.... I'm using cycles and HDRI.

Computing affine transformation between two sets of unpaired points

I have two sets of points, P and Q, where Q is a transformation of P (rotation, translation and scaling). The pairing of points is unknown. How would I go abo

Generate a GMM Dataset by using multivariate_normal from scipy.stats

How can I use from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal to generate data? In specific, I want to create a GMM data that contains 3 columns (features) and a la

Visualizing the permutohedron in 3D plot

I am trying to plot the Permutohedron in python using plotly, numpy, and pandas. This is my current code: import as px import numpy as np import

Google Model Viewer is not displaying output

So, I used Google's Model Viewer for displaying GLB files. But it seems to be throwing these errors: >Access to fetch at 'file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Untit

Open 3D issues creating a 3D mesh

I am trying to create a 3D mesh in Open3D given a set of 3D points. My code is the following: pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dV

How to plot 3D bounding boxes on Point Cloud Data(PCD) files for visualization?

I have centroid(xyz), dimensions(l,h,w) and rotation angle. PCD may contain many objects but I want to draw in a particular object

Issues with loading consecutive files on 3js

I am trying to create a 3d model viewing website for various student projects. Currently pulling from the 3js library to reference OBJs and MTLs on server. The

The prefab asset from the assetstore is not imported correctly (3d model with animation)

I am importing a purchased asset from an assetstore. Animated cat model. However, all prefabs are assembled incorrectly at once, the components are not in the

Unity3d - Trying to change color of Material via C#

I've looked all over for a solution for this and it seems simple enough but I don't understand why I can't change the property of one of the materials located o

No module named 'enthought' issue

I am having problems with plotting a 3D array called 's'. This issue is due to an error telling me that no module named enthought exists although I have already

live goelocalization of objects within a limited area with an existing data

I want to present and visualize multiple objects (with their height represented in cylinders, their directions, and other characteristics ) in a limited area o

OpenGL two rotations on one model

I have loaded a model of a coin, and I want it to constantly rotate around its axis: model = glm::rotate(model, (float)glfwGetTime(), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0)); But

Scene kit shape distorted

We built an iOS app to render 3D objects using Scene kit. We are plotting based upon coordinates(Vertices) received and populating our scene view inside Table c

How to voxelize a large .obj scene?

I need to voxelize a large scene ( over 500 x 500 x 500 ). Of course I tried MagicaVoxel but it has a limitation ( 126 x 126 x 126 ). Thank you in advance !

The dimension orders of the Numpy 3D array are designed to z, x, y. Are there any advantages?

I think that the x,y,z order is more intuitive for a 3D array, just as Matlab does. For example, If someone tells me an array is 2x3x4, I will think it is 2 row

Looping an entire p5js script

I was wondering if it is possible to run the following code on the p5js web editor or within VS code multiple times and change the parameters a, b, A, B, H from

Painting difuse texture in javafx?

Is there a way to paint a 3d texture on a 3d surface like blender ?

With the use of css 3d transforms and perspective, I can't interract anymore with clickable elements in Firefox, but it works in chrome/Safari

I am building a simple page with paralax, using css 3d transforms. In chrome, everything works fine. In firefox, the parallax effects works well, however, I can

Multiple UVs/textures for single mesh in THREE.js

I have an OBJ that uses four textures. The UVs defined in the file range from (0, 0) to (2, 2), such that (0.5, 0.5) refers to a coordinate in the first textur