Category "access-token"

Flutter-What is the point of using bearer-token or something

I read something like this: 1-Once a user logs in, you can generate a token and store it in MySQL database and share the same token with the response of login A

How to add a GitHub personal access token to Visual Studio Code

I received an email saying GitHub will require token authentication after August 13 2021. I want to ensure I don't have an interruption of service (push/pull) a

How do you get and use a Refresh Token for the Dropbox API (Python 3.x)

As the title says, I am trying to generate a refresh token, and then I would like to use the refresh token to get short lived Access tokens. There is a problem

JWT access token in-memory?

I’ve been spending hours and hours on this, this is the first time I am using JWT and would really need some of your thougts. Right now I store my tokens

OpenIdDict - WebApi endpoint protection

I am trying to implement WebApi protected by access_token issued by an OpenIdDict auth server. Some APIs don't require authentication, while others do. The form

Response from Microsoft identity provider getting delayed when implemented Open Id Connect in Angular and hence unable to login

I have implemented Open Id Connect in my Angular application(ver.11) with angular-oauth2-oidc library. I am able to authenticate with Google authentication syst

node-oidc-provider access token format

I've setup oidc-provider for pkce (v7x). When I do the following: request a code from /auth with response_type='code' Used the code to get token form /token wit

[Authorize(Roles="xx") seems no working in web api

I am working with an ASP.NET web API project (not .NET Core). I want to add [Authorize(Roles="xx") to my controller action. But it seems not working (always 401

JMeter Test case to login over dynamic CRM

We have to migrate the existing visual studio web test over JMeter. Blazemeter we are using to record test case and when we are trying to run it over JMeter, it

Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token, but id token works

I am getting invalid signature while using to validate my azure ad access token. My id token, however, validates just fine! I have seen and tried the so

Azure : How to i get the Refresh Token ? using Curl when the Output of the connection only gives Access Token

I am unable to get Refresh Token using Azure Service Principal (using Client ID & Client Secret) Kindly help me in getting the refresh token via CURL and h

Validate UserIdentityToken with Javascript

How do i use javascript to validate the token from Office.context.mailbox.getUserIdentityTokenAsync(). Are there any javascript libraries for this?

Auth2 implementation for JAVA EWS existing project

I am new to auth2 implementation for Microsoft Exchange service and I want to implement the same in existing process Login Process. Previously we are using User

How to access tokens stored in local storage?

Suppose a user logs into my web app and my web app produces a access token and stores it in local storage in client side. But when user enters into other webpag

Error APNS device token not set before retrieving FCM Token for Sender ID

I am receiving messages from firebase for notifications with APNs. In firebase, I have the certificate of APNs key, with the same id in the Xcode project in Fir

How to use access_token to authenticate SPA with Laravel 5.4

I'm trying to authenticate my single page app (written in Marionette) with my Laravel 5.4 app. In my previous experience, an SPA would: send the username &

Unable to access private repositoryusing github API

I'm unable to pull issues of private repository under my account. I've created personal access token with repo permissions. Using this command to fetch issues :

How to set token in authorization header in flutter Dio post request

I want to set a token in the authorization header on my post request using Dio. I have tried to set the header using two options. And both don't work. The first

Rails authentication strategy

Hope this is not too broad but after a lot of googling I am not sure where to start. I am looking for a introductory/noob overview to help me get started on bui

Sending the bearer token with axios

In my react app i am using axios to perform the REST api requests. But it's unable to send the Authorization header with the request. Here is my code: tokenP