Category "account"

Corda - Redeem Tokens - Token SDK + Accounts

I'm trying to use the token SDK for the first time and I am not being able to redeem the correct amount of tokens from a specific Corda account. How I am issuin

Youtube analytics API 403 error brand account

I've tried running the analytics/reporting APIs with my main account (using my local machine's terminal to run python scripts from the YT API Github), and came

Rearrange (sort by priority) Woocommerce my account fields

How can I rearrange my-account fields .I want to locate billing_address_1 field after billing_state and billing_city fields. I used woocommerce_form_field_args

Add custom text under order details on WooCommerce My account view order pages

I need to add some custom text under the Order Details section of the WooCommerce view-order page. My goal here is to add some additional instructions: To

How to get a list of system users in vlang?

I am trying to list all the system users, I know that on Linux I could use awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd and on Windows I could use wmic useraccount get na

login, signup page not found in wagtail

I correctly followed the django-allauth documentation, installed it in my django wagtail project and made configurations or applied settings according to the g

Debian 10 install what is default account and password?

The account is supposed to be debian but I see no password suggestion anywhere. I tried root/toor with no luck. Suggestions?