Category "activemq-artemis"

2 node activemq artemis HA replicated cluster... master not recognizing slave

I'm trying to set up ActiveMQ Artemis for high availability using replication with 2 servers (server A and server B) with a master broker on A and a slave broke

OpenShift 4 support ActiveMQ Artemis?Or need suggestion for best message broker compatibility with openshift4 [closed]

Can anyone guide me on what message broker has the best compatibility with OpenShift 4 or which one should use? Does OpenShift 4 support Activ

Producer program will not recreate an address in Artemis once automatically deleted

Now that I managed to get the address to auto delete (based on this question) I cannot figure out what is preventing my producer from recreating the address. Wh

Spring JMSTemplate UncategorizedJmsException with ArtemisMQ

It works normal long time before. this error just happens when I try to loop 10000 items and send one-by-one to jms queue. I am getting the following error whe