I am having issue generating the hive type adapter. But no such out put generated by the command line codes flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete
Sorry, I'm using google translate. Hello, I am developing an application in xamarin android with visual studio 2017 to take requests where I send information fr
This is my code in adapter using recyclerView. How to improve this code to not use Main Scope, but to use scope that could be disposal? I need to have access to
I have a method in adapter using recyclerview I basically display some elements of cardViews. How to trigger method on other element where usually I use cardVie
When I put in the BizTalk SQL Server and Database details nothing comes up under the list of registered adapters. The database does auto populate from the SQL
Problem How to parse either a single Warning object or a list of Warning objects (List<Warning>) from an API using Moshi? The response as a single warning
I am new here and just learning python. I need help to get the right mac-address of my network card in windows using python. I tried to search, and found these
I have a TextInputLayout with style ExposedDropdownMenu. this TextInputLayout contains an AutoCompleteTextView. I can add a list item inside this AutoCompleteTe
Hey guys on my Adapter ViewHolder.bind I have to check if some value is true, then check my checkbox. The problem is I cant use setCheck(tru) cause in kotlin do
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is
As I understood both Adapter and Proxy patterns make two distinct/different classes/objects compatible with each for communication. And both of them are Structu