Category "adobe"

Photoshop change top text layer name to same as file name

I have 1000s of psd file to change top layers as file name. Please help me to crate a script for this. I want to have a JS-Script, which changes the Text of the

Automatically save a send email as Adobe PDF and save in a folder

I would like to create an automatic step whenever I send certain emails with the subject line "Filing" and email body containing "filing done" to save these sen

How can I download an Adobe Connect recording as a video?

I have links to recorded online program, how can I download video from them? When I try to download, I get this warning: "You do not have permission to access t

AEM 6.5 publisher not starting

I have followed the steps listed out here for setting up my local AEM instances. The author is running just fine. the publisher instance is not, going to http:/

PDDoc.Save Adobe Acrobat method not working in Excel VBA

Our office runs Arobat DC Pro and Excel 2016, we have been using the code below (scaled down version) in Excel VBA for years to save active Adobe PDF documents

Run Adobe PDF script when document is saved

I am attempting to place the script below in Document Actions under "Document Did Save". I'm not sure how to complete the if statements. I would like the script

Opening up a PDF with Adobe Lightbox Embed API through clicking a link

I'm fairly new to website development and I would like to know how to get this script to run after clicking a link on a page. <script src="https://documentcl

Adobe Pdf - Hiding buttons on PNG export

Good Day, I'm creating a form in Adobe and need to use the form exported as an image. However, when exporting, the buttons appear in the output image. I was won

1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon

I'm new to ActionScript and I'm confused about these two errors. I already have some prior coding experience from other languages. Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Fra

After Effects Scripting - Set ease() for slider

I have an Audio Amplitude layer in After Effects and I want to programmatically add the following expression to the "Both Channels" slider: ease(value, 40, 55,

How to introduce additional fields with default values in AEM Touch UI dialogs?

Situation: We have an AEM 6.4 Touch UI dialog and a number of existing component instances that were created through this dialog. Now we want to add an additi

get var from inside a function to return it AS3

I have this static public function berechne() and I want this function to return data. But data is inside another function, so I can't access it outside the fun

Adobe PDF to PPT API

Does Adobe provide an official API to convert PDF file to PPT? Note: I am only looking for official APIs

After Effects Expressions - controling comps from main comp using an "Expressions Layer"

THE GOAL I WANT TO ACHEIVE: Control AE timelines using ONE EXPRESSION LAYER (much like using Actionscript) to trigger frequently used comps such as blinking, w

iOS app is crashing after kill and relauch using Adobe xcframeworks

I have added adobe AEPCore.xcframework in my application and kept it as "Do not embed" in framework setting. Screenshot: When i kill and relaunch the applicati

Adding a library into Flex 4 (flex iframe)

I am trying to use flex iframe with an Adobe Flex project in Flash Builder, and I've added the library through Project -> Properties -> Library Path ->