Category "aggregation"

R's ceiling_date equivalent in SQL

I want to implement R's ceiling_date fucntion in SQL (Postgresql). So I have dates in a column for everyday with corresponding sales and I want to accumulate th

How to get decrypted values in the aggregation result by the using of getter and setter in node.js

var mongoose = require("mongoose"); const Schema = mongoose.Schema; let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js"); function encrypt(text) { try { let ciphertext =

Query against a materialized view with uniqExact column fails due to memory limit

I have a materialized view with the following structure: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW events_daily ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree() ORDER BY ( owner_

UML Aggregation Multiplicity

What do the diagram's multiplicity values mean? Do they mean each ShoeStore must have 1 instance of NikeShoes, and that the same instance can be part of many S

How to create nested array inside $group in MongoDB?

After some of the aggregation pipeline stages, my MongoDB Document has the following format: { "key": "A", "status": "To Do", "val": 4 }, {

lookup on all documents inside an array - MongoDB aggregation

I need to execute a lookup stage on all documents inside an array. The collection: { { "name": "test", "age": 2, "replies": [ {

How to add "allowDiskUse" in @Aggregation annotation in repository in Spring Boot?

I have an aggregation written in a MyRepository.kt file which is being called from MongoDataRetriever.kt file in the backend. MyRepository.kt file: import org.s

MongoDB $lookup with conditional foreignField

Playground: My MongoDB version: 4.2. I have a collection car_parts and customers. As the name suggests car_parts has c

Elasticsearch : aggregation "existing" fields

I'm quite new to ElasticSearch aggregations. I want to be able to count how many documents are retrieved with a not null field. Here's what I do to count how m

Power BI Grouping

Location Won Lost Home 3 4 Home 2 3 Home 5 4 Home 4 6 Away 3 4 Away 2 3 Away 5 4 Away 4 6 This is an example table that I have in Power BI. I am trying to cre