Can someone provide a YAML file of the same mentioned above? I need it for a project. I am trying to execute my tasks parallelly on each core of the workers, as
Is it possible to pass an XCom to an operator parameter without using a Jinja template? I have a dict stored in an XCom and I need to pass it to an Operator tha
Let's say I have the follow dummy DAG defined as below: @dag(default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None, start_date=days_ago(2)) def airflow_ta
I have a DAG that shall check if a file has been uploaded to Azure DataLake in a specific directory. If so, it allow other DAGs to run. I thought about using a
I have the following SimpleHttpOperator inside my dag: extracting_user = SimpleHttpOperator( task_id='extracting_user', http_conn_id='user_api',
My Windows 10 machine has Airflow 1.10.11 installed within WSL 2 (Ubuntu-20.04). I have a BashOperator task which calls an .EXE on Windows (via /mnt/c/... or vi
Hi All so my dag actully runs fine, all the outputs are working but airflow's UI does not change to succes and fails due to the following issue. Reading online
I am working with Airflow 2.2.3 in GCP (Composer) and I am seeing inconsistent behavior which I can't explain when trying to use template values. When I referen
I have a dag that I want to run multiple times say 30. But airflow can parallelly execute 16 dag runs at a time. Suppose one dag run takes longer time to execut
I have two tasks inside a TaskGroup that need to pull xcom values to supply the job_flow_id and step_id. Here's the code: with TaskGroup('execute_my_steps') a
I have looked through similar posts on SO and they seem to be specific to using Docker environments and haven't been much helpful. Ours is a little different, w
I'm looking for a way to extract execution_date, start_date, end_date etc. of the last successful run instance of a task in a DAG and then decide to raise an er
I have created a a dag which call to the snowflake wharehouse and call query on it. CODE FOR THE DAG:- import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta i
I have a sensor task that listens to files being created in S3. After a poke I may have 3 files, after another poke I might have another 5 files. I want to crea
So, I'm currently working with an Airflow installation via MWAA. I'm having this issue with a broken dependency, specifically: ERROR: pip's dependency resolve
I have an airflow task using SimpleHTTPOperator hitting a service in Google Cloud Run. I checked in Cloud Run Logs, the service itself is completed in 12 minute
We have 100 of dags which has a prefix with "dag_EDW_HC_*" . we have below command to pause the dag Command: airflow pause dag_id Is there any way we can pause
I'm attempting to integrate Airflow with Okta, however there is little documentation available online. I'm referring to a blog article, but I can't seem to get
When using BigQueryInsertJobOperator and setting the configuration to perform a dry run on a faulty .sql file/ a hardcoded query, the task succeeds even though
in my virtual env on azure VM, i ran pip3 install apache-airflow when i started airflow db init i received File "/home/shivamanand/myenv/lib/python3.7/site-pack