Category "airflow"

Airflow/Luigi for AWS EMR automatic cluster creation and pyspark deployment

I am new to airflow automation, i dont now if it is possible to do this with apache airflow(or luigi etc) or should i just make a long bash file to do this. I

Airflow 2.0.1: Pod Template Override not working as expected for KubernetesExecutor

Setup: Airflow 2.0.1 with Kubernetes 1.18 and Python 3.8, Kubernetes Client: 18.17.x Pod template file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: workerPod sp

Airflow UI: hide 'Task Instance Details', section 'Task Attributes', attribute 'env'

I would like to hide the field in Airflow UI: "Task Instance Details" -> Section "Task Attributes" -> Attribute "Env". I have some credentials stored in t

Airflow:Docker-Compose:"You are running pip as root Please use user to run pip"

Requirement: To run local Airflow using official docker-compose with Airflow version 2.3.0 Issue: "You are running pip as root Please use user to run pip" Airfl

OAuth authentication in apache airflow (Google Cloud Composer)

I have successfully written an API in Python to read Gmail message, URL from the message, call the URL and store CSV file, however, when I am deploying this in

How does the mode "reschedule" in Airflow Sensors work?

I have an Airflow Http sensor that calls a REST endpoint and checks for a specific value in the JSON structure returned by the API sensor = HttpSensor( soft

MWAA - Airflow - PythonVirtualenvOperator requires virtualenv

I am using AWS's MWAA service (2.2.2) to run a variety of DAGs, most of which are implemented with standard PythonOperator types. I bundle the DAGs into an S3 b

airflow kubernetes default setup ERROR: relation "log" does not exist at character 13

I deployed the default helm chart for airflow 2. The postgres pod is reporting an error: ERROR: relation "log" does not exist at character 13 This appears af

Only works with the CeleryExecutor

I am new at airflow and when i click run 'ignore all dependence' on Task Instance Context Menu like this: Task Instance Context Menu It leads to 'Only works

Airflow: Trigger DAG via UI with Parameters/Config

I see that one can trigger_dag with parameters/config key-value pairs using the airflow command line: For Apache Airflow, How can I pass the parameters when ma

Managing DBT profile file in MWAA

I would like to use DBT in MWAA Airflow enviroment. To achieve this I need to install DBT in the managed environment and from there run the dbt commands via the

Proper way to create dynamic workflows in Airflow

Problem Is there any way in Airflow to create a workflow such that the number of tasks B.* is unknown until completion of Task A? I have looked at subdags but

How to create a empty folder in google storage(bucket) using gsutil command?

How we can create the folder using gsutil command. I am using Bashoperator in airflow where I need to use the gsutil Bash command, Bucket is already created I w

ServiceNow integration with Airflow

Can we integrate ServiceNow with Airflow ? I mean if there is any DAG failure, can we rerun the failed DAG/tasks by submitting a ServiceNow request ? Also can w

How to import SlackWebHookOperator in Airflow?

I want to integrate Slack alert messages when a task fail in Airflow with SlackWebHookOperator. I have issue with the import of the operator. In this tutorial