Category "alias"

Git alias for checkout branch, pull and checkout back

We are using the Feature-Branch-Workflow, which means others merge theire changes to the dev-branch that I want to merge into my feature branch. As it happens a

Intercept the same API call multiple times in Cypress

Is it possible to use cy.intercept to intercept the same API call multiple times in the same test? I tried the following: cy.intercept({ pathname: "/url", metho

PowerShell report what functions are loaded from a script

I have a number of scripts downloaded from the internet, and they only contain function definitions, i.e. not constructed as Modules. Hence, if I run these scri

Grouping Nested Query BY CASE OF ALIAS

I am trying to use a GROUP BY statement that would count each of the progress grades: SELECT with_avg.*, CASE when T_Points = Average then 'On Target' when T_P

SQL AVG Alias with CASE

I am trying to run this query, but facing an unknown column error for Average: SELECT CAST(AVG(Lesson_CLass.T_Points) AS Decimal (10,0)) AS Average, CASE

How to make function aliases?

I am trying to create aliases for functions in R. For example, to get the length of a vector in R: length(the_vector) #returns the length of the vector I w

Bash alias: command not found

I'm trying to setup a simple alias to move me into my Developer folder on my machine. However, after setting it up, I get a weird error: -bash: dv: command not

Cannot find module that is defined in tsconfig `paths`

I am trying to setup aliases for my mock server. Whenever I try to compile ts files, it returns error that it couldn't find proper modules even though those are

How can I set Bash aliases for docker containers in Dockerfile?

I am new to Docker. I found that we can set environment variables using the ENV instruction in the Dockerfile. But how does one set Bash aliases for long comman

SQL Server "." Alias Not Working

I've added an alias of "." which should point to my local (named) instance, ".\SQL2008". But when I try to connect to ".", it times out. Am I missing something

Uninstalled MacVim, now can't use regular Vim?

I got a new machine at work. The previous developer had macvim installed. When typing 'vim' in the terminal, the macvim program would open. I uninstalled macvim

How to name a SQL query?

My professor is asking for me to include a query name for each and every query that is involved with this homework. I'm assuming he's referring to an alias, so

Alias target name in Makefile

The Problem: Is it possible to give a target a different name or alias, such that it can be invoked using either the original target name or the alias. For ex