Category "altair"

Altair: persistent tooltip

I have a horizontal line that changes height depending on brush selection. Is there anyway to constantly display the line as the line goes up and down? Below is

Drawing median and quartile lines on an Altair violin plot

Suppose I had the following plot (taken from the tutorial in the Altair documentation): import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data alt.Chart(

Quick way to visualise multiple columns in Altair with regression lines

So the way I have been visualising multiple columns quickly in Altair is to use repeat. This method is ok until I want to add regression lines using transform_r

Altair: Customizing outliers in boxplots

Is there any way to customize the outlier points in an Altair boxplot? Suppose I had the following plot: penguins_data="

Making dashboards using altair

I would like to use the excellent altair library to create dashboards. Is there a way to create the dashboards and not show any code? I see some really nice exa

Using Altair's interval selection as a filter in a multi-view chart

In my concatenated chart, I’m using an interval selection as a filter (see the GIF, Python code, and VL spec below). Even though my selection appears to b

How to move the Radio button to under the Title using Altair?

I'm trying to move the Radio button to top under the Title. so far i have done that but unfortunately it's somehow behind the chart and it looks like it's in ba

How to wrap axis label in Altair

bars = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode( x=alt.X('Pcnt:Q', axis=None), y=alt.Y('Name', axis=alt.Axis(domain=False,

Showing gps points on altair world map

I'm building (for learning purposes) a python program that extracts gps-data from *jpg files in a directory and display the gps-coordinates from the photo's on

How to manually set a diverging color range

I am using Altair for Python and my current code uses a redyellowblue color scheme which uses the middle color (yellow) accordingly to my domainMid parameter. c

How to create a grouped bar chart in Altair?

How does one create a grouped bar chart in Altair? I'm trying the following but it is just producing two graphs side by side. Chart(data).mark_bar().encode(