Category "amazon-aurora"

MySQL Operation overhead and dealing with large table

This is my current table DDL. Its a big table 7TB where 6 TB is data and 1TB is index. The number of records in this table is 3 billion. There are currently 10

how to write a Trigger to insert data from aurora to redshift

I am having some data in aurora mysql db, I would like to do two things: HISTORICAL DATA: To read the data from aurora(say TABLE A) do some processing and updat

Create Aurora Cluster with Babelfish enables using Cloud Formation

Is there any way we can create an Aurora RDS Cluster Multi-AZ with Babelfish enabled using cloud formation. We can create it using [console or cli][1]. However,

Why can I not connect to an RDS Aurora DB via proxy?

I setup a Postgresql Aurora DB and a Proxy via Terraform (code below), which is apparently running fine. But for some reason I can not connect to the DB through

How can i overcome AWS Aurora Data api timeout in 45seconds

AWS Aurora Data api(I'm using has a fatal drawback of a 45-second timeout, is there a way to overcome it? The sea

How to fix Amazon RDS database that is in an incompatible-network state

I am having some issue with our AWS Aurora MySQL RDS DB. DB instance status is in incompatible-network state. This DB is not being used actively and hence might

Amazon RDS cross region bi-directional data replication

I have a Amazon RDS MySQL database in the us-east-1 region. I have a few read replicas in that region for the master db as well. I'm working on a new app which

Failing to connect to an Amazon Aurora MySQL from SpringBoot

I want to connect my spring boot application to AWS Aurora MySQL RDS. The problem is while there are plenty of examples of AWS MySQL RDS. I cant find an example

SSL connection error when trying to connect to mysql Aurora via the mysql CLI

I will preface by saying I can connect to the DB instance when I'm not trying to go over SSL. I am following this guide here

AWS Aurora MySQL serverless: how to connect from MySQL Workbench

I was trying to use AWS Aurora Serverless for MySQL in my project, but I am impossible to connect to it, though I have the endpoint, username, password. What I

Occasional 'temporary failure in name resolution' while connecting to AWS Aurora cluster

I am running an Amazon Web Services RDS Aurora 5.6 database cluster. There are a couple of lambda's talking to these database instances, all written in python.

AWS RDS Postgres: WAL_LEVEL not set to 'logical' after changing rds.logical_replication = 1

I am in the process of setting up Debezium to work with AWS Aurora Postgres (postgres version 12.6). For Debezium to work, the WAL (Write-ahead-logging) must be