Category "amazon-cloudwatch"

How to change the Timezone in AWS Cloudwatch Event Cron expression?

Requirement: We have 4 clients in 4 different regions and we need to set up a Cron expression in the cloud watch event which needs to trigger lambda at a partic

How to search for multiple strings in logs using aws cloudwatch log insights query?

For my aws loggroups, I want to write a cloudwatch log insgights query to search for multiple strings in the logs. I tried something like this : fields @timesta

How do I parse by regular expressions only on filtered lines on Cloudwatch log insights?

Is there a way to restructure this cloudwatch insights query so that it runs faster? fields @timestamp, @message | filter @message like /NewProductRequest/ | pa

AWS Log Insights query with string contains

how to I query with contains string in AWS Log insights fields @timestamp, @message filter @message = "user not found" | sort @timestamp desc | limit 20 field

AWS cloudwatch: logs are getting created in different log streams for the single API hit

We are making use of AWS Lambda and have configured cloudwatch for logging. There is a cron job running every 5 minutes which is triggering the lambda function.

CloudWatch Cost - Data Processing

I'd like to know if possible to discover which resource is behind this cost in my Cost Explorer, grouping by usage type I can see it is Data Processing bytes, b

Unable to Start AWS CloudAgent service

I downloaded CloudAgent service in EC2 instance and installed it using msiexec. When I try to run the service it is not starting. This is what I am seeing from

How to Monitor health of AWS cloudwatch agents?

I have hundreds of EC2 servers runnin cloudwatch agents in them. I would like to have a monitoring mechanism to monitor hralthcheck of cloudwatch agents. And sh

Filtering AWS CloudWatch raw log events by multiple values / AWS CLI

Given the following query on CloudWatch that extracts logs with messages including "entry 1456" (where 1456 is an ID) how should I extend this to take multiple

How to query AWS CloudWatch logs using AWS CloudWatch Insights?

I have a lot of AWS Lambda logs which I need to query to find the relevant log stream name, I am logging a particular string in the logs, Which I need to do a l

CloudWatch Logs Filter case insensitive multiple terms or connected

I'm just trying to create an alarm based on CloudWatch Logs Filter which triggers on multiple terms (or connected, not and) and is case insensitive Using "erro

Cumulative sum of AWS Cloudwatch Metric

AWS Cloudwatch receives a count of 1 every time I start an image download. I am downloading 1,000s of images (on a cluster of EC2 instances) and would like to t

Configuring events on the amazon managed blockchain

How do i Configure events on the amazon managed blockchain I have configured amazon managed blockchain setup with Hyperledger. The network is prepared with a s

collectd is reporting "Request is missing Authentication Token" when trying to post the metrics to AWS cloudwatch by custom collectd plugin

I am new to collectd and AWS cloud watching. Created custom plugin using C++ and installed rpms for collectd and collectd plugin. customd plugin (.so) is locat

CloudWatch Agent: batch size equal to "1" - is it a bad idea?

If I correctly understand, a CloudWatch Agent publishes events to CloudWatch by using a of kind of batching, the size of which is specified by the two params: b

cloudwatch command get-metric-data

I'm not able to get the metric data through this command. aws cloudwatch get-metric-data --metric-data-queries jsonfile.json \ --start-time 2019-02-01T10:40

DiskSpaceUtilization metrics for EC2 instance in python boto script showing empty response

I want to get the datapoints for DiskSpaceUtilization metrics but the response for get_metrics_statitics is empty. The get_metrics_statitics function works per

User is not authorized to perform: SNS:CreateTopic on resource

I wanted to monitor certain parameters (TotalErrorRate and Latency) with CloudWatch and I wanted a "Simple Notification Service" (SNS) to send me an email, when

Install SSL certificates in my AWS canary puppeteer script

I am trying to write a script for testing my API which is deployed in AWS EKS in Cloudwatch synthetics (Canary). But I don't see the provision to add my certifi

aws Sagemaker autoscaling with instance metrics per instance

I am using aws Sagemaker endpoint for inference. Based upon amount of traffic, endpoint should scale up and down by adding more instance into the endpoint. I am