I followed the Amplify instructions to add a email login, now I am adding a Google login, and I'm getting this message instead: Login option is not available. P
I am planning to use AWS Amplify as a backend for a mobile application. The App consists of two User Types (UserTypeA,UserTypeB). They have some common data poi
I need an Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application to let users loging in using AWS Cognito. Just to explain a little bit better, I'll give you this example
I'm trying to implement social login using Microsoft account in AWS Cognito User Pools. I followed documentation and the solution mentioned in this thread: http
After searching the official AWS CLI cognito-idp documentation, it seems there is no way to 'reset' a user back into a FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD state once that use
My goal is to set up some lambda functions which are public (i.e. no authorization required to send requests) and other ones which require a User to be logged i
I'm trying to execute API calls from ReactNative AWS Amplify to API Gateway endpoint using AWS_IAM authorization. I do it by calling (all Amplify initialization
I want to implement the Cognito Hosted UI for some users in my Django application. I have successfully been able to redirect the users to the desired url for au
I use "amazon-cognito-identity-js" javascript library to integrate Cognito for my react app. it seems that only supports email/password authentication only. I w
I am trying to automate Sign In flow for an app with Cognito Identity Provider in Cypress. This is the code I am using cypress.json : "username": :<userName&
How do I get in Flutter, the cognito custom user attribute for user? await Amplify.Auth.fetchUserAttributes(); returns only user attributes but not the custom
I'm working with webview_flutter in order to Auth my users through Cognito's auth endpoint. This is my WebView: return WebView( initialUrl: url,
Here is my code: use Aws\CognitoIdentityProvider\CognitoIdentityProviderClient; $args = [ 'credentials' => [ 'key' => 'valid', '
I have this link : https://{application}.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id={clientid}&redirect_uri=http://
OpenID providers publish their metadata at a well-known URL. In Okta it looks something like this: https://dev-599740.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/oauth-
I'm trying to implement a solution in my Vue.js web app whereby users are authenticated via AWS Cognito. I'm using DynamoDB as the backend database. What I'm tr
I'm using AWS Cognito and aws-amplify to manage user authentication. When I load up my app, I call Auth.currentSession() which seems to always return the user I
aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id eu-west-1_xxxxx --client-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --auth-flow USER_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=xxx@yahoo.
After login, AWS cognito provides access token and id token. In the backend I was wondering if I can use ID token instead of access token for authorization. Som
I am trying to deploy a serverless backend code to AWS. The code handles device registrations of ios devices with apple as Idp. Got the following error: Serverl