Category "amazon-elasticache"

redis-cli --pipe yields MOVED errors when bulk uploading to Elasticache with cluster-mode enabled

I am trying to use redis-cli --pipe to bulk upload some commands to my AWS Elasticache for redis cluster. The commands come from parsing a file via a custom awk

How to sync data between two Elasticache Redis Instances

I have two AWS Elasticache instances, One of the instances (lets say instance A) has very important data sets and connections on it, downtime is unacceptable. B

Will data loss in AWS Redis cluster, if I will change instance type?

I can't find information, on how to change my AWS Redis cluster instance type and won't lose my data in it?

Using endpoints of AWS ElastiCache for Redis

I am using AWS ElastiCache for Redis as the caching solution for my spring-boot application. I am using spring-boot-starter-data-redis and jedis client to conne

How to persist a redis ACL in ElastiCache

Is it possible to persist a redis ACL e.g with the python client - something like this: redis_client.acl_setuser( enabled=True, username=user_id, pa

What determines AWS Redis' usable memory? (OOM issue)

I am using AWS Redis for a project and ran into an Out of Memory (OOM) issue. In investigating the issue, I discovered a couple parameters that affect the amoun

Sync AWS Elasticache(Redis) to MySQL Database Table

I am using AWS Elasicache(Redis) using PHP & MySQL for different caching purposes that are mentioned below Reducing the load on MySQL Session Handling Datab

Can I use Elasticache Memcached to store the events which the value has JSON object in key-value pair

I'm trying to push the events into the cache. The events contain a key-value pair. The key is a string and "Value" is a JSON object. Can I use memcached for thi

Unable to connect AWS Redis cache in .net C# - RedisConnectionException: 'No connection is active/available to service this operation

I have created AWS ElasticCache - redisCache in console. I want to access same from .net core/framework application - But unable to connect same. Config

Elastic Cache vs DynamoDb DAX

I have use case where I write data in Dynamo db in two table say t1 and t2 in transaction.My app needs to read data from these tables lot of times (1 write, at