Category "amazon-linux-2"

When run node js application getting error whitelist ip in mongo cluster

I have implemented node js application and used MongoDB as database using nginx to run the project Everything working fine in local but when code is published i

Problem Mounting EFS through .ebextensions on EB using Linux 2

We have a .war, containing an .ebextensions folder with the storage-efs-mountfilesystem.config, which mounts the efs to the EC2 Instance. On Linux 1 it works li

Amazon Linux 2 worker fails to reboot

I'm running a Node.js application on an Amazon Linux 2 worker instance, connected to SQS. The problem It all runs fine, except that for technical reasons I need

What is the safest way to get a newer version of a repo from yum on Amazon Linux?

I need a newer version of binutils on Amazon Linux to compile a piece of needed software. This is due to a bug in version 2.29 which is the latest available in

Error running systemctl to start service in Amazon Linux 2

I am trying to build a simple Apache/PHP server using the Amazon Linux 2 image. I have the following: Dockerfile FROM amazonlinux:2 RUN amazon-linux-extras ins