Category "amazon-neptune"

Sort vertices by presence of 2 properties

UPDATE 1 I've added the descLength and imageLength properties to allow for easier sorting. The idea is that constant(0) can be used to fill in the values for us

AWS Neptune FTS returns IOException on every federated queries to OpenSearch

I am trying to implement full text search on AWS Neptune (engine with AWS OpenSearch. A GET amazon_neptune/_search on OpenSearch returns: { "took": 5

HTTPS connection with RDFLib

I am using Python and the RDFLib library and I want to perform an HTTPS connection to a SPARQL endpoint such as Amazon Nepute (HTTPS is mandatory) and perform a

Unexpected Count & Filter Behaviour in AWS Neptune

I'm getting an unexpected StopIteration error with some gremlin queries that contain a count step within nested filter steps. This error can be recreated with t

Mysterious timeout when connecting to neptune db

I'm getting this error message when trying to connect to a aws neptune db from a lambda: 2022-05-05T18:36:04.114Z e0c9ee4c-0e1d-49c7-ad05-d8bab79d3ea6 WAR