Category "amazon-quicksight"

Can you do countif in aws quicksight with partial text?

I am trying to make a calculated field in AWS Quicksight for leads that have closed. However there are multiple closed statuses in use. I am trying to use disti

Time Conversion of seconds to HH:mm:SS

I need help with understanding how to convert seconds in integers to a HH:mm:ss format to be displayed in Quicksight Analysis. My org is pulling its own data fr

aws QuickSight could not generate any output column after applying transformation

I am trying to create a visualization using aws quicksight, I've done it before using the same data source and tables. Right now when I try to run simple query

Show daily count and the total count up to that day in Quicksight

I want to create a table analysis in AWS Quicksight that shows the number of new user per day and also the total number of user that has registered up until tha

Field's Max and Min values as Default values in Control

I have 2 controls, Start Date and End Date. I would like to have the min and max of a particular field to be selected as default values of the controls. Is ther

Quicksight: Authenticating individual users

I was going through the amazon quicksight documentation for embedding analytics into my application. Is it really required to have more than one user/reader in

Amazon QuickSight - How to "Show relevant values only" with input parameter not in a control

I want to filter the content of a control to relevant values based on a filter applied to the dashboard. The filter is based on a parameter passed in via the JS

How to ignore some filters but not all at Quicksight

I need to calculate a fraction where the numerator is filterable by dimensions A, B and C but the denominator is only filterable by A and C needs to be pre_agg

Amazon Quicksight Dynamic date filter

so everyday I receive sales data from the previous day. So today November 15 I have data from July 2021 until November 14 2021. What I want is to show this dat

Year-over-Year Quicksight Line Chart

I am looking for a way to do a year-over-year line chart for comparing values at the same time frame (day/week/month) compared to the previous year. When lookin

How to make MSCK REPAIR TABLE execute automatically in AWS Athena

I have a Spark batch job which is executed hourly. Each run generates and stores new data in S3 with the directory naming pattern DATA/YEAR=?/MONTH=?/DATE=?/dat

Copy Quicksight dataset and analysis to another dataset and datasource

I have created Analysis in amazon Quicksight using a data source and different datasets within that data source. I have created another Data Source containing s

How to compute YTD data on amazon-Quicksight?

Let's say that I have a dataset with a field Date and a field Sales and that each month, my sales are 5$. I would like to build the following table in quicksigh