Category "amazon"

i want connect my sp-api amazon seller and django

hey i try to fix this code for amazon seller sp-api and it's not work at all cannot connect def amazon_list(request): #api_request = requests.get('https://j

Can I get session and pageview data by product from Amazon?

Like Amazon Seller Central's business report, I would like to acquire sessions and report dates for each product through API. I've checked Amazon MWS and SP-API

Amazon Relay Load Dashboard

i need a clone of Amazon Relay Load Dashboard page. Amazon Relay screenshot. I would be glad for any help.

How to use APL on Alexa Multimodal Devices with Python?

I have created an Alexa skill in python which is working fine for my expected intents. Now I want to add a functionality in that skill such that if my skill is

Amazon Seller Central account

1.I get data in amazon seller central account i face this problem please give any solution. 2.I am call this api postman (

Adding a "Buy from Amazon" button to my collections shopify pages?

I have my products available on both Amazon and a dedicated Shopify store. For customers looking to take advantage of Prime shipping over what our store can off

Does local node version affect the cdk command for aws?

I was wondering if I have node version 16 on my computer and if I develop my aws lambda locally with cdk and specified the runtime as NODEJS_14, will it still w

From AWS connect to external oracle database

I have an nodejs application deployed in aws, from nodejs application I want to connect to an external oracle database which is running on a different server, c

Connect Azure Active Directory and join the domain with AWS service

I'm now working on connecting existing Azure AD to AWS service (EC2 and file system) and want to connect the AWS service to existing Azure AD. When creating fil

Amazon MWS - Shipping TAB - Field - number_of_boxes

I try to find out which field I have to use to fill the 'number_of_boxes' field for the amazon mws product upload. My product.xml looks like this: <Product&g

Amazon Quicksight Dynamic date filter

so everyday I receive sales data from the previous day. So today November 15 I have data from July 2021 until November 14 2021. What I want is to show this dat

How to delete amzon sagemaker studio project

I am unable to delete the project in amazon sagemaker studios have tried using the different methods

Setting up Amazon SP-API Notification API

Trying to set up Amazon SP-API Notifications Api but I am running into a few issues I have setup everything up to creating a destination and subscription for SQ

Can we use custom AMI for the creation of ECS cluster?

I have created a custom AMI that has certain softwares and scripts preloaded in it. Can I use this AMI for the ECS Cluster? I do not see any option to add AM

Register device id directly with Amazon SNS

I am using the Amazon Web Service to send push notifications directly to a device. After I install the app I get the device id, that I need to manually add to t