Category "amplify"

How to host multiple reactJs web app under one domain in amplify?

I've 2 different reactJs applications which can be deployed independently to aws-amplify. Is there a way I can configure them to the different context paths of

Creating different User Types in AWS Amplify

I am planning to use AWS Amplify as a backend for a mobile application. The App consists of two User Types (UserTypeA,UserTypeB). They have some common data poi

I need to deploy vuestorefront to a bucket s3 or amplify,

I need to deploy vuestorefront to a s3 bucket or amplify, but I have had some problems since vuestorefront has a server on the front end, so I would like to kno

Can we Convert 'Figma' components to Angular components with Amplify studio?

When we create the react or Nextjs application using AWS Amplify we get react components in our application in ui-component folder, but when we follow same proc

Amplify delete user's own account after OTP verification

Is there a way to delete a user's own account only after OTP verification in order to confirm his identity? The OTP can be sent to either email or mobile number

Unable to resolve path to module '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css'

I am getting the error: Unable to resolve path to module '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css' I am using the amplify authenticator component shown in the follow

Amplify ID for a @belongTo (to one) relationship not in the generated Typescript model

I have an error message from VSCode when using the "foreign key" property for storing an object. I've implemented the exact example from their documentation: ht