Are there any way out to have a maximize button on the Anaconda Navigator window? I have installed Anaconda in Ubuntu & created a custom launcher using this
I have just installed Ubuntu 22.04 TLS from 20.04. On Ubuntu 20.04 anaconda and jupyter work very well. But since I'm on Ubuntu 22.04, I can't open jupyter in m
In both cmd and powershell, when I input conda init powershell, it always failed as follows: (ifcmapping) C:\Windows\system32>conda init powershell no change
I have been advised using pip in a Anaconda virtual environment is bad. But some packages are not on conda or on conda forge. When I run conda activate virtuale
When I run a script and import Tensorflow from cmd or Visual Studio Code it throws me the error but when I run it from Anaconda prompt or Spyder it works well.
I have installed Anaconda and then cd to my project folder and then I installed TALIB using pip install TA_Lib-0.4.19-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl When I run pip fr
I reinstalled Anaconda (Anaconda 3, Python 3.9) on my Mac (MacOs Monterey 12.2) today. I installed geopandas through conda-forge and imported it successfully in
I was trying to convert my trained ssd model to tflite format. But I always face to this below error. error I faced Here is my code: //-------------------------
i'm unable to import flask_sqlalchemy even after installing flask-sqlachemy from flask import Flask, render_template from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy #
Based on my question here I want to install the package investpy into pycharm with interpreter anaconda (python 3.6). For some reason the installation itself is
When I tried to open it, windows just pop up the regular "i don't know how to open this ext, how do you want to open it" dialog box. The anaconda prompt gave me
I am attempting to install CERNS ROOT in anaconda, for use of pyRoot. (I am using conda 4.10.3) I have set up a new environment with python 2.7, because I belie
I feel like this is a basic question, so feel free to direct me to any resources: My conda environment uses .local ahead of the package version specified in the
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/Desktop/implimentaion/ in 31 use_w2v = True 32 ---> 33 train_df, embed
I tried to use apache jena fuseki in my python code so I found this: I followed the first example and h
Im using Ubuntu as my OS. I have been able to download and open anaconda-navigator through command line. but I can't open up Jupyter lab or jupyter notebook. it
I just downloaded Spyder 5 using conda upgrade anaconda conda install spyder=5.0.0 However, after installation when I launch Spyder from the Windows menu, I se
I have been trying to create a requirements.txt file from the Pycharm terminal but it is adding all unnecessary packages as well. What should I do to show only
I am trying to re-enter my conda environment but I am having trouble doing so as when I type conda activate (evironment name) or source activate (environment na
I am new to deep learning and I have been trying to install tensorflow-gpu version in my pc in vain for the last 2 days. I avoided installing CUDA and cuDNN dri