Category "anaconda"

The term 'conda' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

I have installed Anaconda 2019.03 for Windows Installer in Windows 10. When typing anything which starts with conda on Powershell getting error: conda : The

conda install downgrade python version

I'm trying to downgrade python version of anaconda via conda install python=3.3, but have following error: ~/anaconda3/bin$ ./conda install python=3.3 Fetching

How to customize toolbar icons in Spyder?

I want to remove one of the buttons from the "run toolbar" because I keep pressing it accidently. Is this possible?

Anaconda -- conda create results in "Failed to create process"

I recently installed Anaconda onto my laptop and I am trying to install a conda environment called pydecal that uses python 3.5. I have tried this in CMD as wel

pip upgrade uninstalled itself

I used pip today for the first time in a while and I got the helpful message You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 9.0.1 is available. You shou

Using brew installed sqlite3

I want to use sqlite with the json extension so I've installed it with homebrew. When I run which sqlite though, the one that is being used is the anaconda inst

How to install python package in Anaconda environment when there is no channel installer

I use Anaconda to manage my python environments. Based on the answer here, I try to stick to one channel in each environment. I want to install Beampy. Based on

Jupyter conda tab 'An error occurred while retrieving package information.'

In my root environment I run $ jupyter notebook and in the browser, click on the 'Conda' tab. This always used to list my conda environments and the packages

Create conda package across many versions

I have a very simple Pure Python package on PyPI that I'd like to make available on binstar. My package targets Python 2.6+ and 3.2+ with a single codebase. I

Tensorflow my GPU is not recognized and There are many dll errors

I'm too new with tensorflow and keras, actually I'm trying first to install it correctly. I used Anaconda to make it easier. My question is probabily related to

What is the difference between pyenv, virtualenv, anaconda?

I am a ruby programmer trying to learn python. I am pretty familiar with pyenv since it is like a copy and paste from rbenv. Pyenv helps allow to have more than

Spyder on MacOS. Typing is very laggy

I am using Spyder with Anaconda on macOS. I have already updated Anaconda and Spyder to version 4.2.0 (4.2.1 was not found). The problem is now, that if I am ty

How to add latest Julia version to Jupyter Notebook

I installed Julia 1.5.3 on my Linux Mint 20 system. I copied the Julia files in julia-1.5.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz to /opt/julia-1.5.3/, adjacent to the folder /o

creating conda venv: conda env create VS conda env update

When creating conda virtual environment with YAML file for the first time, I unknowingly ran: conda env update -f environment.yml call activate process_name

Jupyter notebook Application launch error

When I try to launch Jupyter notebook from Anaconda3 I get this Application launch error: Fail to get yarn configuration. /root/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-pac

Install Dlib in Anaconda Python

I'm trying to install the dlib package in Anaconda by running the following: conda install -c menpo dlib I'm getting the following error: UnsatisfiableError

Does Conda replace the need for virtualenv?

I recently discovered Conda after I was having trouble installing SciPy, specifically on a Heroku app that I am developing. With Conda you create environments,

Set a Default Interpreter and use NO virtualenv in PyCharm 2017

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I went to File > Default Settings > Project Interpreter > add local and browsed to my anconda3/long/path/python3.6. When I open a

Set a Default Interpreter and use NO virtualenv in PyCharm 2017

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I went to File > Default Settings > Project Interpreter > add local and browsed to my anconda3/long/path/python3.6. When I open a

Import pandas could not be resolved from source Pylance(reportMissingModuleSource)

I've been trying to use the packages pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn in my "Visual Studio Code", but the program keeps showing me the following message: "im