Category "analytics"

Importing pandas_profiling

I am working on Automating the EDA, while I want to import the pandas_profiling, I am facing an error: ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'mark

BigQuery query review for session based attribution

I've been struggling for a while to get a query to return the number of sessions and users per source/campaign/medium/content, based on the current session of t

How to access .env variables in a Nuxt plugin?

Segment Analytics provides a snippet with a secret API key in it. In my Nuxt.js project I created a plugin called segment.js which I registered in my nuxt.confi

Unload/remove/disable Google Analytics dynamically without a full page load

I see various guides on how to add Google Analytics/ GA into a page dynamically, e.g. for a Single Page Application/ SPA. How can I do the reverse, i.e. a user

pandas non equi join in range

I need to do 'pandas non equi join', when first table joined with second table in range. first_table EMPLOYEE_ID SALARY 100 3000.00 101 17000.00 102

Google Analytics Dashboard - Filter out specific data ON specific date

Scratching my head on this one, I have a set of 6 projects sending data to one dashboard. On September 1 only ONE of those projects sent out a bunch of errors,

Google analytics Behavior Flow everything ends at home page

can someone help me with google analytics? I such a problem with Behavior Flow. Everything immediately ends after someone entry to a page. Does anyone know wh

Amplitude analytics for iOS: setting up logging level

Is there a way to set up logging level for Amplitude iOS SDK similar to Android's Amplitude.getInstance().enableLogging() and Amplitude.getInstance().setLogLeve

How to write a javascript tracking code?

I want to write a simple javascript tracking code that should be able to push parameters to a remote server. What should I pay attention when writing this cod

How to store sets of objects that have occurred together during events?

I'm looking for an efficient way of storing sets of objects that have occurred together during events, in such a way that I can generate aggregate stats on them

Getting client ID with gtag.js

Google released gtag.js a couple of months ago as the new way of tracking with Google Analytics, eventually replacing analytics.js as far as I understood. gtag.