Category "android-11"

Android >= 11 navigate between folder to find file without manage_external_storage permission

I have an app that have to update some machine firmware. Until targeting API 29 there are no problem, now Google Play Store need to target at least API30... and

Saving files in Android 11 to external storage(SDK 30)

I am writing a new Application on Android 11 (SDK Version 30) and I simply cannot find an example on how to save a file to the external storage. I read their d

How to implement New Media Storage API to store file in Android 11 and 12?

i am trying to store the video on Device Storage and showing video in app but android version like 10,11 and 12 it is showing error that not able to create fold

FileObserver not working on Android SDK 30

I am working on an android application where i have used FileObserver to get data changes on a specific folder. The folder is WhatsApp Images and whenever there

My Flutter App is Not Working on Android 11 But Working fine in emulator as well as android 8 || (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1)

Here is My Code import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:screenshot/screenshot.dart'; import 'package:sweld/globals.dart'; import 'package:geoloc

How can I access to a folder with .nomedia file using Media Store APIs?

I'm trying to access media files using Media Store APIs , but I'm facing with a specific issue: I can scan all the audio files apart all the audio files belong

Android Emulator "Allow USB Debugging" dialog close right after showing

I'm trying to debug with Android R in Pixel emulated devices w/ PlayServices but the "Allow USB Debugging" dialog instantly close right after showing, so I can'

Compile error in sketch ware after Android 11 update

I'm getting similar error in all my apps (which were working OK) after update (UI 2.0 Android 11) in my realme 5 pro. See error message below: error: resource a

intent.resolveActivity returns null in API 30

Looking at intent.resolveActivity != null but launching the intent throws an ActivityNotFound exception I wrote opening a browser or an application with Deep li

NameNotFoundException when calling getPackageInfo on Android 11

After setting targetSdkVersion to 30 (Android 11) I'm getting$NameNotFoundException when doing packageManager.getPackageInfo(p

Cannot pass filepath to MediaRecorder in Android 11

I am passing filepath to MediaRecorder for creating video file. File(filePath).exists() returns false, but MediaRecorder fails with IOException,

Android 11 ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE: set initial URI to the Documents folder [duplicate]

using the Scoped Storage model in Android 11 I want to give the user the ability to choose a folder, starting in the documents folder: val int

Firebase notification message no custom sound on Android 11 (legacy)

Notification message received while the app is in background procudes no sound. It is working on Android 8 and 10 but not in 11. The test app is very simple, it

Android Studio BumbleBee pair wifi not working

I am trying to connect my Android 11 device with the android studio over adb wifi but it is not working. I updated to the latest stable bumblebee and updated my

Cannot use WifiP2pManager.setDeviceName on Android 11 (Wi-Fi Direct)

My team and I are working with Wi-Fi Direct technology on Android devices. Until now, the used devices were on Android 8, 9 and 10. We were able to change the W

How do I hide the status bar in my Android 11 app?

Every method I came across to hide status bar of my Android app is deprecated in Android 11. Does anyone know about any current acceptable method? Also I use Ko

How to solve API Lint error in AOSP build?

I'm using AOSP source file.I have created new service in Android 9 & it was running. When I tried to reuse the same in Android 11, getting API Lint Error fr

How to hint content manager chooser to open directly on a selectable position with ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE

When you use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREEto pick the permission to a path where to store files in Android 11, the default Android content manager by default opens

Get filePath for Recents,Downloads,Images from Uri of ACTION_GET_CONTENT Intent android

I am invoking image picker in my android app using intent ACTION_GET_CONTENT. In onActivityResult() I get Uri using data.getData(). Now I am using an already ex

Google Play App Rejection - Not a core feature - Use of All files access

I have an application on play store to whom the targetSdkVersion is update to 30 from 29, which is getting rejected again and again by Google Play after an upda