I want to show snackbar to user, if he has Alarms & Reminders turned off in my App (since Android 12 its mandatory to have this settings enabled in order to
In Android 12, it is required to specify the mutability of the PendingIntent. In the signing screen the HintRequest class is used and PendingIntent is returned
I recently updated my OnePlus 8t phone to Android 12, I was on Android 11 before, I quickly noticed the new camera and microphone tiles in the notification draw
I'm sending test push notifications form firebase>compose notification page. I receive push notifications on Android 8, 9, 10, 11, but not 12. And I have two
I am trying to follow the setup guide for Android 12L here. But I get the following error when I sync gradle on the project: Unsupported value: Sv2. Format must