I have already tried with single activity and multiple fragment which is added programmatically as per layout(2x2,2x3) same as instagram. But when i load camera
I'm trying to get camera shutter speed when a photo is taken with Android camera. Using this instruction in an image the app creates that contains the taken pho
guys! I am facing this camera version. It happened after I merged my projects. It says there is no camera available but back then it was running fine. Please ha
I wanted to test this codelab from Google, but whenever I try to run the part3_completed file/application on my Huawei P30 ELE-L29 phone, I encounter the follow
I wanted to capture the image and display a preview screen showing the captured image. It worked fine before, but once I added object detection, I receive a gro
I'm developing a Flutter plugin for Android and iOS using the Flutter plugin camera. First I stream the frame from the plugin using this method: controller.star
My layout is shown below. i want the textview to appear at the bottom of the camera preview. but this is not the case when the user changes the aspect the ratio
I use camera in compose to take picture. Code for camera preview^ @Composable fun CameraPreview( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, scaleType: PreviewView.S
I have an Android app, where it simply scans the Barcode and this is working fine. The problem is, sometimes if I have my phone during scanning turned to carpet
I did @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()){ //если выбрали
I'm working on Android and I'm trying to capture a picture without displaying any preview. I tried to simplify the process by making a class. It's working but a