Category "android-camera"

Is anyone implemented layout camera feature like Instagram in Android?

I have already tried with single activity and multiple fragment which is added programmatically as per layout(2x2,2x3) same as instagram. But when i load camera

Does ExifInterface.TAG_SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE really measure shutter speed? If so, how to convert it to a more standard format?

I'm trying to get camera shutter speed when a photo is taken with Android camera. Using this instruction in an image the app creates that contains the taken pho

Flutter : PlatformException(no_available_camera, No cameras available for taking pictures., null, null)

guys! I am facing this camera version. It happened after I merged my projects. It says there is no camera available but back then it was running fine. Please ha

ARCore: Raw Depth Codelab is not working on my phone

I wanted to test this codelab from Google, but whenever I try to run the part3_completed file/application on my Huawei P30 ELE-L29 phone, I encounter the follow

Cannot take picture on flutter camera because of "unconfigured surface"

I wanted to capture the image and display a preview screen showing the captured image. It worked fine before, but once I added object detection, I receive a gro

Convert Flutter Frame Camera to android Bitmap

I'm developing a Flutter plugin for Android and iOS using the Flutter plugin camera. First I stream the frame from the plugin using this method:

Dynamically adjust position of textview to always be at bottom of current camera preview

My layout is shown below. i want the textview to appear at the bottom of the camera preview. but this is not the case when the user changes the aspect the ratio

Provided camera selector unable to resolve a camera for the given use case

I use camera in compose to take picture. Code for camera preview^ @Composable fun CameraPreview( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, scaleType: PreviewView.S

Android force BarCode scanner to scan only BarCodes

I have an Android app, where it simply scans the Barcode and this is working fine. The problem is, sometimes if I have my phone during scanning turned to carpet

How i can get Uri from intent?

I did @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()){ //если выбрали

Pictures with Camera2 API are really dark

I'm working on Android and I'm trying to capture a picture without displaying any preview. I tried to simplify the process by making a class. It's working but a