I'm trying to get the current preview's shutter speed and ISO settings. I cannot find a way to do this using CameraX or Camera2. Is this not something that is a
I am trying to use this new feature of CameraX Image Analysis (version 1.1.0-alpha08): using setOutputImageFormat(ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888),
I followed a tutorial on Camerax from the Android Studio website, and I wanted the camera button when pressed to take a picture from the front and the back came
My layout is shown below. i want the textview to appear at the bottom of the camera preview. but this is not the case when the user changes the aspect the ratio
I use cameraX api for taking a picture and save an image as a file to the internal memory. When the callback for taking a picture has succeeded, I update the ui
I already use bottom code. But It apear green bitmap when I use imageproxy to bitmap only about lastest smartphone. Such as Samsung s20 Bottom code work well on