I have a spinner inside of a dialog box, which you can use to select a currency for my app. When you select a currency, it connects to an api from a currency si
In preference screens, I'd like to use MaterialComponent's dialogs (using MaterialAlertDialogBuilder) instead of AlertDialog from AppCompat. However, AppCompat'
I'm using an immersive fullscreen activity and for my dialogs I used the hack I found here where I set the dialog not focusable when opening it so its not pulli
I'm using an immersive fullscreen activity and for my dialogs I used the hack I found here where I set the dialog not focusable when opening it so its not pulli
How do I maintain the new Immersive Mode when my activities display a custom Dialog? I am using the code below to maintain the Immersive Mode in Dialogs, but w
I'm hoping to understand how I can achieve this behavior using Jetpack Compose in Android when displaying a dialog on top of the current Composable view. Desire