Category "android-fragments"

Fragment navigation and menu. How to remove latest fragment? Check description

I was incapable of finding an answer for the following context: Let's say we have a menu and a nav graph instanced in the main activity. We have 3 fragment: Hom

BottomNavigationView is not show though layout preview shows

I intended to show BottomBar with three menus (dedicated fragments for each). The BottomBar doesn't show up in the UI, though the same previews perfectly below

Change MPPieChart Legend Text Color based on choosed theme

Scenario: I made an app that switches programmatically Theme between light and dark mode.It's based on fragment and I set every views via XML calling "?attr/myt

How can I change CardViews background color based on user's option in Kotlin?

I have 2 fragment pages. The first of these pages is the page where the user is given options. The other page is the page that is displayed according to the opt

Why the fragment only shows on create and after tab switch?

So, in the current state, I can see the fragment inside, showing when I boot up the virtual phone; however, as soon as I switch to different fragment, from my d

Create BaseFragment and extend this Fragment in ChildFragment

I don't know whether this is repeated question or not, But I didn't found any solution. The problem is, there is a screen which has similar views in all the sc

How to hide bottom nav bar in fragment

I have bottom nav bar define in the Main activity. I have three fragments linked with BottomNavigation bar in fragments I have recycler view so I want to hide B

Floating Action Button is duplicated in fragment

In a project, there was a FloatingActionButton in one of the activities. I attempted to add a Fragment in that activity and move the FAB inside that Fragment. E

how implement search view from menu in fragments?

I am trying to implement search in my fragment but its not working. no results shown up with search text. Also all the items are gone from the view when search

BottomNavigationView with navigation component - selected fragment not showing

I'm currently migrating to android navigation component and cannot get the fragment transitions to work when a new item is being selected in the BottomNavigatio

google map fragment set on click Listener dose not work

i want create a google map fragment in a full screen project and then when i touch google map fragment call some function but when i touch google map fragment s

Change recyclerview rows after being created

I have a viewPager which contains two fragments. First for showing list of products and another one for showing list of selected products. In the second fragmen

How to detect when back button pressed in fragment android?

I have project with navigation drawer with fragment, with 5 menu, the problem is when i go to menu 4 and the i press the back button the app closed, but i need

RuntimeException: API key not found. Check that geo.API_KEY is in the AndroidManifest.xml

I am attempting to compile a simple map display on my my phone, but the app keeps closing. It seems that all my ducks are in a row, but I'm just stumped. This

Error inflating class, can someone tell me what I'm missing

I'm working on getting the Google Place API to appear within a CardView. The particular code I'm looking at is from GitHub, seems to be working for everyone el

Refresh fragment is not working any more?

I lost some hours today because my code was not working any more. The code to reload the view of a fragment was not working anymore after updating to the new ve

Android navigation fragment: other fragment is blank screen

The next screen does not come up when navigating between fragments. It exits fragment a but does not go to b. When I inspect the profiler it says I'm in fragmen

How to load data in one fragment in Android

I want show 3 fragments in my Activity and load data from json in any fragments! I want show each json data into one fragment, but in my application show all of

AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory: SavedStateProvider with the given key is already registered

Although it is the same exception, my situation is different from SavedStateProvider with the given key is already registered as I am using Nav-graph Scoped Vie

Swipe to refresh data using SwipeRefreshLayout in fragment?

I want my layout to be refreshed when the app starts and the data should show in and when the user swipes the data should be updated and show new data if new da