Category "android-glide"

Set image From URL as wallpaper - Glide Library -

I'm trying to create a wallpapers application using Glide library, in my app I have 4 categories and each category I have range of images displayed it by their

Cannot access fragmentclass file for not found

I am trying to do this in android studio: Glide.with(getApplicationContext()).load(Uri.parse(url.get((int)(5)))).into(imageview6); but it shows the following e

GlideApp not generated with Glide 4.2.0

1,I am using the sdk 26.0.2 2,adding repositories: ' // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. build

Set image as wallpaper from url (Glide + json)

app app Hi, thanks in advance to those who guide me. I have a problem with the Set Wallpaper, that when I clicked on the button, I get the following error: 2

How to round an image with Glide library?

So, anybody know how to display an image with rounded corners with Glide? I am loading an image with Glide, but I don't know how to pass rounded params to this

Loading Image using Glide in Android

I am trying to load an image from a URL into my imageview using glide but it is not working. I cannot download and display the image. I have added all the depen

Glide not loading real image and stuck with placeholder

I have a pretty basic load image from server line code: Glide.with(view.getContext()).load(url).placeholder(R.drawable.default_profile).into(view); For some