Category "android-gradle-plugin"

After upgraded to androidX Zip file '...' already contains entry 'AndroidManifest.xml', cannot overwrite Error while build

I'm new in Android development and I've been recently assigned to an android project, which was not updated for more than a year. I got the below error when I t

how to change the gradle version for all newly created flutter projects?

I'd like to change the default Gradle version in all my newly created flutter projects. Right-Now I have to change the Gradle version manually in distribution-U

A problem was found with the configuration of task ':app:processDebugManifest' in first project

[I just Installed Everything for flutter...and run the first default app...but this problem is showing] Like picture below: FAILURE: Build failed with an except

What does 'minifyEnabled=true' do when all configuration options are disabled?

I have a complicated build setup for an android app which basically consists of a normal android app fused together with a Xamarin/Mono project in order to incl

Error "Minimum supported Gradle version is 7.0.2. Current version is 6.8." in Android Studio

An error occurred after I downloaded version 6.8 and the latest version of Gradle. A problem occurred evaluating project ':launcher'. < Failed to apply plug

Error "$flutterSdkpath\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\app_plugin_loader.gradle" while running the app

I am facing an issue while running the app. My flutter details are: Flutter Version: 1.12.13+hotfilx.9 Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor

Unable to load class AndroidComponentsExtension after upgrading the Android Gradle Plugin 7.1

I recently downloaded Android Studio Bumblebee and it helpfully asked whether I wanted to upgrade to Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0, the version that shipped along

Failed to resolve library after upgrading the build version to 7.0

I have upgraded the my exiting project Gradle version from older version to "". After upgrading the build version some of th

How to fix Android Studio's "Apply Code Changes" not working?

I use the following code for testing: while(true){ Thread.sleep(5000); Log.d("debug", "Test A"); } logcat shows "Test A" every 5 seconds. After I chang

Android studio compile takes forever

My Android Studio compiles are taking forever. Min 10 mins and quite often longer than that. This started with the upgrade of gradle plugin to 7.0.4 This is my

Gradle UncheckedIOException

My Android Studio project worked correctly, after restart project i got this error : Caused by: org.gradle.api.UncheckedIOException: Failed to create direct

Symbol ExoPlayerFactory not found

I am going insane trying to figure this out. It makes no sense at all. I have added the required implementation in my build.gradle file and synced it up just fi

Android studio - Generate signed APKs broke

I just updated my Android studio to the version 2021.1.1 Canary 12. After struggling to make it work, I had to also upgrade my Gradle and Gradle plugin to 7.0.2

After upgrade android version getting "Duplicate class"

before android update 3.4 my application run perfectly but after upgrade android my application getting merging error: "Duplicate class

Android Gradle Plugin: Plugin [id: '', version: '7.1.3', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources

This is my first time using Android Studio, and I'm trying to run my first Hello World app, But when I open Android Studio, and it's trying to build the Gradle,

Cannot resolve class com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.BarChart, MPAndroidChart

What's going on? Got all guide but I have this error. Class referenced in the layout file, com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.BarChart, was not found in the pr

META-INF/version duplicate error when using Proguard

Gradle : 4.10.1 Gradle Android Plugin version : 3.3.2 Proguard : 6.0.3 JDK - 1.9 Android Studio 3.3.2 When I try to build apk release version along with Progua

Duplicate class found in modules

I am trying to build an app with openCV and Firebase ML Kit. But I get the following error while building project: Duplicate class

Execution failed for task ':react-native-camera:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'

I am creating app using React-Native and testing it on Android device. After adding react-native-camera module, the following error occurs: org.gradle.api.task

API 'BaseVariant.getApplicationIdTextResource' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'VariantProperties.applicationId'

When building gradle I'm getting this message: API 'BaseVariant.getApplicationIdTextResource' is obsolete and has been replaced with '