Category "android-mediaplayer"

Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict"

Hi i am doing audio recording its throwing me an error. i am not able to figure it out can some one help me. 2021-01-24 19:21:53.708 4661-4661/

How to set a new audio data source for Android MediaPlayer in Kotlin

New to Android and Kotlin... I am trying to set a new audio data source for the Android MediaPlayer. The below code compiles and runs, but the sound isn't playe

Why mediaPlayer.stop(); is not working here?

[AS] I've loaded two sounds that can play and overlap with no problem, however I can't seem to stop or pause them. In its current state, the stop button only w

MediaSessionCompat:Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent

I'm trying to update my application to Android SDK 31 but I'm having an issue with MediaSessionCompat. I have a MediaService that extends the MediaBrowserServic

How to show thumbnail of audio files from storage in android

I want to show the audio file thumbnail with rest of information, how can i parse the thumbnail of all the audio files Function for loading audio files in recyc