Category "android-ndk"

Fastcv with Android Studio

We are compiling fastcv sample application in android. I have installed JDK7.0, NDK>16.I have copied libfastcv.a into NDK root(eg sdk/ndk/<NDK_VERSION>

How to set NDK on android studio after downloading it

For some odd reason I'm unable to set Android NDK location, I download it and now I'm unable to set the location. The button is disabled and really don't know w

How to use AMediaExtractor_seekTo with ndk

I am writing a mp3 player for android with ndk. Im using AMediaExtractor and AMediaCodec as in ndk example NativeCodec. Now would reposition the stream and I wo

Android NDK fopen returns error 2 "No such file or directory" on a file I know exits

My app is accessing audio files and I'm doing some processing on them in OBOE. So I have JNI working, the files are located in my documents tree. All the parts

Unity Build - Exception: il2cpp.exe did not run properly

Using Unity 2017.4.34f1 (LTS) with IL2CPP with NDK r13b, I try to export my Unity Project to Android Project (Build Process). Note: I'm using IL2CPP because Goo

Unknown host CPU architecture: arm64 , Android NDK SiliconM1 Apple MacBook Pro

I've got a project that is working fine in windows os but when I switched my laptop and opened an existing project in MacBook Pro M1. I'm unable to run an exist

How do I get Wireguard-Android make file to function on Windows?

I'm trying to build the wireguard-android sources on my windows machine, fixing the problems step by step with trial and error. I have CMake and Make installe

Unable to locate sdkmanager.bat. Did you run Android Studio and install cmdline-tools after installing?

i was trying to make use of unreal engine 4 template for AR but i got this error. This step kinda connect android studio with unreal but i just don't work.

Cross Compiling ghostscript for android, what host should I use?

Hi Guys I am using this tutorial to build ghostscript-9.19 to be able to use in my android application to convert eps document to pdf. It fails while configure.

NDK Error "Unexpected native build target xyz. Valid targets are:"

I have an Android Studio project which depends on a native shared library. I have created a cmake file to compile the library and I have added a soft link to th

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'lib/x86/'

I am using libusb in my android application. When I am trying to build libusb native library then I get below error message, *.so files generated. Error:Exe

NDK is not installed

When building a flutter app, I get an error stating FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Get architecture type (ABI) to C preprocessor for Android NDK

I'm trying to control my C code in an Android NDK project depending on the selected ABI library. As a start, I want the NDK library method to answer, with a st

NDK: how to build a lib, so that app can work on arm(s), x86, etc.?

I never used c++ for android and NDK before. When I use it for - say - image processing I want to be sure app will work on all devices with android 2.2 and high

Could not get traffic stats of tunnel interface in Android 10 & 11

Accessing /proc/net/dev is restricted from Android 10 (API level 29). And no luck for ifconfig as well. I tried to use TrafficStats, in which we have restrictio

Image Perspective Transform using Android OpenCV

I am making Android App which can make Perspective Transform Image. I want to do same thing like below code. I tried but I cant read C code. Please advise me!

Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency)

I'm reviewing all kinds of Android sound API and I'd like to know which one I should use. My goal is to get low latency audio or, at least, deterministic behavi

build android adb for arm processor

I want to use Android ADB tool on ARM platform. One of the commands in the build script is: arm-eabi-g++ -I build/libs/host/include/host -I build/libs/host/i