Category "android-paging"

Paging3 with ViewPager not working (where pages use the same type of PagingSource)

I'm trying to use Paging3 with ViewPager in a project, but something strange is happening. I think it is due to the fact that each page uses the same type of Pa

But really, how does the AndroidX Paging Library know when to load more pages?

There's this question, which is identically worded. But the poster's problem was solved without actually answering the question posted - because the problem was

Is there any way to remove item from PagedList and notify RecyclerView?

Is there any way to remove item from PagedList and notify RecyclerView without invalidating DataSource (not Room)? What I have tried: Store all model in own l

Android Paging 3: LoadType.APPEND returns null remote keys

I've been trying to work out how to fix my issue with RemoteMediator's APPEND LoadType. On an empty Room DB, here's how the LoadType flows: REFRESH -> PREPEN

Is it possible to use Paging (As part of android jetpack) without using Room DB?

Right now I'm working on an Android project which contains a RecyclerView with a large amount of data. For improving the app's performance I wish to implement