Category "android-sqlite"

Questions regarding CRUD operations

I am new to Android Studio and I am training to do a CRUD. When I try to insert a plant in the database, the message "Plant inserted" does not appear. Do you ha

What is the possible source of android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException for an app not using SQLite

An app occasionally has crashes caused by android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException. It is very rare, so it is not a significant problem, but I a

Android SQLite same DB [duplicate]

I am using local DB (SQLite) with my android app. I know, that with every first launch of the app, a new database is created. Is there an easy

Working with .sql file in android?

I am working on android project. In my project I have a 'DatabaseFood .sql 'file(initially it was a .csv file), it looks like this BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TA

Copy Data from CSV file to Sqlite file in Android

I want to copy the data from CSV file to SQLite file for my android application.SQLite table structure i.e. the columns are different than the CSV file columns.

android-How to protect a file from copying or seeing by users

I'm working on an application that it took me about 2 whole month to collect data. how can I protect my database and files? because of a big size of database,

Android error getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xa9fb8d90

i am working on an android app which uses material-intro dependencies for intro slides, but when the slide complete and try to switch from the Slide(Materialint

How do catch error on React Native SQLite

I have the code: let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs RNFetchBlob .config({ fileCache : false, }) //pega o arquivo da internet .fetch('GET', 'https://U

Is it possible to use Paging (As part of android jetpack) without using Room DB?

Right now I'm working on an Android project which contains a RecyclerView with a large amount of data. For improving the app's performance I wish to implement