Seems like there is no XML attribute to change the startIconDrawable size in android. The icon is oversized as compared to the text. Here is a screenshot of the
I am having a prefix text in a Text Input Layout but it only shows when i click inside the Text Input Edit Text which is inside the Text Input Layout that has m
I am doing show or hide password using below code pwdLayout.setEndIconMode(TextInputLayout.END_ICON_PASSWORD_TOGGLE); I am able to achieve show or hide passwor
I'm trying to customize a TextInputLayout with material style. I managed to set the focused state to the colors I want: Using <
In general, most components in Jetpack Compose seem to be very easy to customize. However, the same cannot be said for the TextField. For example, say that I wa
I am trying to make invisible or visibility gone of endIconDrawable which is the edit icon in the picture above for FirstName field only and want to keep visib
I am developing an interface that contains a component TextInputLayout. Here is my layout code: <
Is it possible to change the radius of the border of an OutlinedTextField. I want to achieve something like this I can not use Modifier.border because it just
I am working on login screen where I want to implememt material edit text with following view : Following is my code : <
Here is how OutlinedTextField code looks like in jetpack-compose: OutlinedTextField( value = "", onValueChange = {}, label = {Text("Input")} ) The
my text input layout's hint text seems overlapped how can I move the hint text to little right of the outline. my xml : <
I want to make textinputlayout uneditable by user and when user click on it i want to perform an action. I added android:focusable="false" inside edittext of te
I am facing one issue while set data into Edittext when using TWO WAY DATA BINDING which contain HTML tags like " < br > " or \n. when there is \n it