Category "android-textinputlayout"

How to change startIconDrawable Size in TextInputLayout

Seems like there is no XML attribute to change the startIconDrawable size in android. The icon is oversized as compared to the text. Here is a screenshot of the

Always make the prefix text in text input layout visible like the hint

I am having a prefix text in a Text Input Layout but it only shows when i click inside the Text Input Edit Text which is inside the Text Input Layout that has m

Show or Hide text using password toggle

I am doing show or hide password using below code pwdLayout.setEndIconMode(TextInputLayout.END_ICON_PASSWORD_TOGGLE); I am able to achieve show or hide passwor

Change the TextInputLayout outline color

I'm trying to customize a TextInputLayout with material style. I managed to set the focused state to the colors I want: Using <

Jetpack Compose: Custom TextField design

In general, most components in Jetpack Compose seem to be very easy to customize. However, the same cannot be said for the TextField. For example, say that I wa

How to change visiblity (visible, invisible or gone ) of setEndIconDrawable in TextInputLayout android?

I am trying to make invisible or visibility gone of endIconDrawable which is the edit icon in the picture above for FirstName field only and want to keep visib

While use TextInputEditText, the error icon override the end icon

I am developing an interface that contains a component TextInputLayout. Here is my layout code: <

Change the radius of the border for OutlinedTextField

Is it possible to change the radius of the border of an OutlinedTextField. I want to achieve something like this I can not use Modifier.border because it just

OutlinedBox for TextInputEditText is not working

I am working on login screen where I want to implememt material edit text with following view : Following is my code : <

How to change the outline color of OutlinedTextField from jetpack compose?

Here is how OutlinedTextField code looks like in jetpack-compose: OutlinedTextField( value = "", onValueChange = {}, label = {Text("Input")} ) The

Text Input layout hint is overlapped with the outlined box

my text input layout's hint text seems overlapped how can I move the hint text to little right of the outline. my xml : <

Making textinputlayout uneditable and setting click event on it

I want to make textinputlayout uneditable by user and when user click on it i want to perform an action. I added android:focusable="false" inside edittext of te

Two way data binding issue of \n (new line) while set String into Edittext

I am facing one issue while set data into Edittext when using TWO WAY DATA BINDING which contain HTML tags like " < br > " or \n. when there is \n it