Category "android-viewpager2"

Stopping Exoplayer on swiping in viewPager

I am making a reels type app. I have made a ReelsFragment and ReelsAdapter. I have used View Pager 2 to swipe views vertically. I am using Exoplayer to play vid

Paging3 with ViewPager not working (where pages use the same type of PagingSource)

I'm trying to use Paging3 with ViewPager in a project, but something strange is happening. I think it is due to the fact that each page uses the same type of Pa

Pages must fill the whole ViewPager2 (use match_parent) while i set it to match parent

I use viewPager2 in my app with custom adapter and in layout i use my viewpager2 in linearLayout. i set the height and width of my viewpager2 to matchParent, an

kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property postFragment has not been initialized on FragmentStateAdapter Dagger Hilt

i tried to implement viewpager2 with tabLayout with dagger-hilt. then i got error when implementing viewpager2 on dagger hilt "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAcces

Zoom photo inside viewpager2

I tried to use PhotoِDarweeView inside ViewPager2. When I want to zoom in on the photo horizontally, it does not zoom in and instead the ViewPager2 swipes

ViewPager2 dependency confusion

I was about to try ViewPager2 but I don't understand when I saw someone add the following dependency declaration in their gradle file: implementation 'androidx.

ViewPager2 default position

I'm creating a slideshow with ViewPager2. For example, the slideshow has 3 items and I want to show the second item when the activity opens. I use setCurrentIte

How can I improve sensitivity of ViewPager2?

I am using this at the moment. fun ViewPager2.reduceDragSensitivity(f: Int = 4) { val recyclerViewField ="mRecycler

ViewPager2 crash

I am using Advance Navigation Component with BottomNavigationView. In one tab I have ViewPager2. When I clicked on the tab for the first time, it worked fine. A

How to make ViewPager2 less sensitive?

I'm using ViewPager2 in my App, it has three pages and each page show different contents, the issue is that it's too sensible that the ViewPager will change the

How to use TabLayout with ViewPager2 in Android

I want to use component with Android's new ViewPager implementation androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2. However, t

ViewPager2 | View.ClickListener not called

I use new android widget ViewPager2 version 1.0.0-alpha03 and when I set click listener on it method onClick() not called. My Actvity class: class MainActivit

Proper implementation of ViewPager2 in Android

I came to know about ViewPager2 and tried to implement it, but didn't find any proper example. Can anyone tell me how can I use it. I am looking for proper us

Proper implementation of ViewPager2 in Android

I came to know about ViewPager2 and tried to implement it, but didn't find any proper example. Can anyone tell me how can I use it. I am looking for proper us

Scrolling issue in nested recyclerview in ViewPager2

I have a recyclerview (vertical) and in its viewHolder layout, I have another recyclerview (horizontal), and both of these are in viewpager2 fragment. And now w