Category "android-xml"

Android: How to set status bar and navigation bar semi transparent

In some applications I noticed that the status bar and navigational bar are transparent however, not completely. I do not know if this is a background color or

How to align to right on the same column in android layout

I have 2 text view and i want them to align horizontally at the same column. I tried to android:layout_toRightOf="@id/textName" but it seem like it goes to t

Change the Color of ScrollView Programmatically

What I'm currently doing Currently, I have changed the scrollbar in my XML file using the android:scrollbarThumbVertical property like so: <ScrollView

Android layouts - Most efficent way to achieve what i'm after

I've been doing a bit of searching around for ways to achieve what i'm after but haven't been able to find much. Basically i'm going to use this as a "home" sc