I keep getting this error: public final class MainViewModel extends androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel { ^ @HiltViewModel annotated class should contain exactly one
I have a question so I think I dowlnloaded everything correctly but I still get this massage when I type in "flutter dictir" in cmd. When I run "path/to/sdkmana
I receive a uri in screen "A" by: val launcher = rememberLauncherForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { activityResult ->
I am using a MotionLayout with a scene-xml: <Transition motion:constraintSetStart="@+id/start" motion:constraintSetEnd="@+id/end" > <O
I have an xls file in my server which needs to be downloaded in my phone using an apps. I'm using Nokia 5 and Android 9 for testing. My compile sdk version is 2
I am making an app that gets data from sql and puts it in a recycle view i first tried it in a list view but i found it easier in a recycle view it is basically
I want to when I log in to the app I will get current location user then I will pass it to main activity. private LocationRequest locationRequest; private Fireb
I want to check if a treeUri has any files in it or if its empty, so I can delete the Folder. Ive tried listFiles but comes up with Landrodix.etc. and not the a
I am trying to read all data from the Google fitness store, but when the "setTimeRange" is large ie: i am trying to get all data and the "bucketByTime" is in sm
I am developing a react-native application which will use firebase authentication, and I have some doubts about how refresh tokens should work. I am using the r
I started recently using the navigation graph and i have a problem that i havent solved yet. I want to open the same fragment multiple times that they are stack
I am getting this error during compilation or code generation, I have set the Jetpack Compose dependencies and working on it, I have made some compose component
I wrote a custom theme for all my (Material)AlertDialogs and applied it to APP's theme. <style name="MyTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar"> &l
I'm implementing dynamic dark mode change in the app I'm working on and It's working great for MODE_NIGHT_YES and for MODE_NIGHT_NO but when I'm setting this on
When I try to debug the app, the emulator sticks on "Waiting for debugger". Meanwhile, in the debug tab, it can be seen that AS is "waiting for application to c
I am currently tasked with developing an application that gives the user various information and details about his network connection using React Native. The ma
I experience some errors while trying to push data into my firebase realtime database. I checked a couple of tutorials and according to all of them i am doing n
I am having a product listing page. The recyclerview is filled with data from the Firebase firestore. When I click on any product, it will go to the details pag
I have started learning to code since a few days back, and am only familiar with HTML/CSS/JS, and basics of dart/flutter I am working on a Random quotes generat
I am using Navigation component to navigate between two Fragments. The landing fragment has a recycler view and the detail fragment has a view pager. I am using