Category "android"

Is anyone implemented layout camera feature like Instagram in Android?

I have already tried with single activity and multiple fragment which is added programmatically as per layout(2x2,2x3) same as instagram. But when i load camera

how to make cursor on BasicTextField be centered on jetpack compose?

I have a problem, where I need a BasicTextField to customize the TextField as I want. Here I have tried to do a custom, but there is a problem with the cursor i

PHP and Android Keystore encryption / decryption

I've been trying to get this for hours now, and I can't find what's wrong. I'm using a php RESTful API that I made to encrypt data using asymmetric encryption.

how to make cursor on BasicTextField be centered on jetpack compose?

I have a problem, where I need a BasicTextField to customize the TextField as I want. Here I have tried to do a custom, but there is a problem with the cursor i

PHP and Android Keystore encryption / decryption

I've been trying to get this for hours now, and I can't find what's wrong. I'm using a php RESTful API that I made to encrypt data using asymmetric encryption.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void android.database.Cursor.close()' on a null object reference LOGCAT:- Process: com.example.mypets, PID: 21583 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface m

How to store a document files in root media or root directory using cordova android 10.0.0 (API30) APK

facing an issue while downloading a file in media directory (file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/Media/) Used plugin: [email protected] 2.cordova-plu

Xamarin.Forms: Reload a contentpage contained in a tabbedpage to update the data

The default language of my Xamarin.Forms app for Android is French. I would like the user to be able to change the language and choose English or Spanish. To d

How to pass runtime parameters to a ViewModel's constructor when using Hilt for dependency injection?

I'm wondering how to pass runtime parameters to a ViewModel's constructor while using Hilt for DI? Prior to using Hilt, I have a ViewModel that looks like this:

How to handle Fragment to not load again when coming from another fragment in Navigation Component in Android?

Scenario: I have 2 fragments ProductList and ProductDetail in my nav graph. And when i click on any product it opens the ProductDetail fragment using findNavCon

I am unable to use auto Image slider but not able to do so

I just wanted to use Auto image Slider, but after adding all the dependencies and other requirments like still I am unable to use sliderLayout of aut

Invalid radius value in BlurMask Ffmpeg

I'm using boxblur filter to blur specific area of video using cropping library, when i fire command sometimes it works well but sometimes it's showing me error.

The flutter app doesn't run with java.lang.AssertionError

An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.8.0_242-release). Please file a bug against the Java compiler via the Java bug reporting page (http://bugreport.jav

Why not firebase fields not getting updated?

I am trying to update my firebase database based on "aadhar" field but I am failing to do it so. I don't know where it is going wrong. Here is my activity code

Google support Map crashing

Google SupportMapFragment is crashing when executing this ( (SupportMapFragment)getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(

how to specify to not allow any data backup with android:dataExtractionRules and

My current android application targets 12 and higher. I do not want to allow backup of any type and currently have these manifest settings android:allowBack

CallLog.Calls.CACHED_LOOKUP_URI not working on Xiaomi/MIUI devices

I need to get the contact URI given the Call Log in order to be able to open the native "Contacts" app to show the info of the Contact that made a call, if any.

Error: Member not found: 'packageRoot', how to solve ignore: deprecated_member_use in Flutter?

In my flutter project, I have made some updates of plugins and then used flutter upgrade. After that, whenever I am running my flutter project it is showing fol

Android Studio: Logcat vs Run

What's the difference between Logcat and Run in Android-Studio? Logcat has filter-options. Beside that I don't get which specific purpose each serve. In how far

"Unable to find method ''void<init>(java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel)''"

The problem: I'm currently using Android Studio and Gradle to compile code from a github repository (00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon) and while I can run some t