Category "android"

Jetpack Compose recomposition animation

Is there any easy way to animate Composables appearing/hiding? I tried to implement this using AnimatedVisibility and AnimatedContent, but in my particular case

Layout inspector not showing composables tree

When I use Layout Inspector in a running compose app on a device, I do not obtain the composables tree but the view system tree. How to see the composables tree

java.lang.AbstractMethodError in Firebase Android (FirebaseInstallationServiceClient.readGenerateAuthTokenResponse)

We have this crash that in Play Console has occurred some 1.1million times and counting, with no success figuring out why. The report: java.lang.AbstractMethodE

If I denied the permission of the running app, the app data will disappear

If I denied the permission of the running app, the app data will disappear. The way to change the permission was done in settings. Step. run my app. switch my a

Updated firebase dependency and got duplicated protobuf classes error

I'm getting this error after updating one of my firebase SDKs FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:check

Android 12 Pending Intent Immutable flag not available under API 23

Similar to this question, but not the same After update to Android 12 (SDK 31) we change PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0) to PendingIntent.getAc

How to build a REACT Native app automatically using GitLab

I am looking for a way to build the APK of my React Native App automatically using a GitLab pipeline, I can't seem to find a solution on the web that does not u cannot be cast to (.....).BaseExtension

Objective :
I have developed Test for CodeCoveragePluginForAndroidConnectedTest . Steps to reproduce error : ./gradlew clean build A problem occurred eval

Squared non transparent background on custom input dialog

I have created a custom input dialog for my application, and in terms of funcionality it works, but every time it has a sort of square background which distones

Notify data change on spinner select

I can't seem to get my driver to update through my app. I have tried but with no luck. I have a possible solution but don't know what the adapter is that needs

Is it possible to request change of the AdMob app ID?

I have developed an android application and integrated AdMob using Flutter framework and deployed it. Suppose someone revealed my app ID and does malicious traf

when scroll end multiple request retrofit send when user two time bottom hit how to control it

I am using retrofit in my app to get data from server 15 results each request all working is fine but when I hit bottom retrofit send a request for new data it'

material-1.5.0-alpha03\res\values-v31\values-v31.xml:3:5-94: AAPT: error: resource android:color/system_neutral1_1000 not found

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <color name="m3_ref_palette_dynamic_neutral0">@android:color/system_neutral1_1000</c

Android Compose: draw transparent circle on image

I have an image and I want to draw dark rectangle over it with a transparent circle, so the result will be something like this: I have ended up with this code:

Facebook app deactivated after detecting malware: `App Deactivated Due to Malicious Indicators Found in Your App`

I found the AdFlex (Ad-Malware) in my app and then I removed it and released the new Android app. Then Facebook checked and activated it again. But If someone w

How to achieve Indeterminate state for checkbox in Xamarin form In Android

I want to achieve CheckBox where it works for three state. In UWP I am able to achieve with custom Renderer with "IsThreeState" and by setting IsChecked propert

Android app won't build -- The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a dependency's

I'm trying to build a project in my M1, but I got this error when I run npx react-native run-android FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong

Expected @AndroidEntryPoint to have a value. Did you forget to apply the Gradle Plugin?

When I am using Hilt in android with Room I got this kinda error. The full log is here: home/someone/Desktop/Calculator/app/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/debug/com/hami

How to open an activity on the lock screen after FCM notification

How can I open an activity on the lock screen without the user having to click on it? Like for example an alarm or a call. In my code I can get the FCM notifica

Drawer Menu Shows Gaps

I am new to flutter. I got a Drawer Menu but there is a little gap between user information side and menu items section. drawer menu user information side impo